Who Invented Skateboarding? – Extreme Sports X

There are over 200 sports in the world. Among them, some have been known to mankind for thousands of years, and some appeared a little over 50 years ago but have already become popular and found leading positions in various sports ratings. One such sport is skateboarding. In this article, we will examine who invented it and its main features.

Probably the sport’s biggest achievement so far is that it was included in the program for the 2021 Olympic Games in Tokyo. Today you can bet on many Olympic sports at the bookmaker Bet Any Sport https://superbetting.com/review/betanysports-review/. However, the history of this sport began long before that.

The first professional skateboard appeared in 1963 – it was released by the Makaha company. The author of the design, and the founder of the brand, was Larry Stevenson. The Makaha Surf & Ski Skateboard was a huge success, and Stevenson went down in history as the “godfather of skate culture.”

The Skateboarder magazine that appeared in the same year contributed to the great popularity of the sport. In the 60s, skateboarding became the most popular sport among young people. In those years, various types of boards were patented, including two-wheeled ones, which at that time were called “wave boards”.

In 1974, Bennet and Tracker released professional skateboards with improved suspension and polyurethane wheels. This made it possible for athletes to develop speed faster, as well as to perform numerous complex tricks. In addition, professional skateboarding sports teams began to appear at the same time.

The mass distribution of street sports and the emergence of skate parks led to the gradual separation of skateboarding into two main areas: street and park.

The street requires a set of extreme movements to overcome street obstacles: benches, curbs, railings, steps, etc.  Park represents skating in skate parks equipped with special ramps, pyramids, springboards, funboxes, and pipes.

The 1980s

In the 1980s, numerous print publications about skateboarding began to appear – for example, Thrasher and Transworld Skateboarding. This gave impetus to the even greater popularity of the sport.

In addition, cult videos began to appear with the participation of famous riders – Tony Hawk, Steve Caballero, and Lance Mountain.

A separate youth subculture also appeared with its fashion, music, standards, and slang. The development of skateboarding was supported by sportswear brands and the emergence of a new musical direction – skate punk.

The late 1990s – early 2000s – can be called the era of skateboarding. It was at this time that a real boom in boarding was observed. Numerous films, programs, and commercials were made about the sport.

In 2004, the design of two-wheeled skateboards was improved – and thanks to this, roller surf appeared.

City dwellers also have their version of the skateboard – the plasterboard, which has the characteristics of both a classic skateboard and a longboard. The new design made it possible to comfortably maneuver through city streets and, at the same time, perform tricks.

As said before, today, skateboarding is included in the program of the Olympic Games.

Interesting Skateboarding Facts:

  1. Many believe that skateboarding originally started among Californian surfers. This happened in the late 1930s and early 1950s. At that time, boxes with attached wheels were used as a skateboard, which were later replaced by boards made of pressed layers of wood. They were very similar to those currently in use.
  2. In the 50s, skateboarding was seen not only as a sport but also as an alternative way to get around. Many used to skate for trips to the supermarket.
  3. Initially, there were no tricks in skateboarding – athletes competed mainly in avoiding obstacles and downhill.
  4. In the 70s, the first “parks” for skateboarding appeared. They were not exactly normal. The fact is that in America at that time, there was a big real estate crisis, so hundreds of American houses and pools were abandoned. Since the pools were ideal for boarding, the rounded walls were occupied by numerous skateboarders. So, a new style appeared – Pool Skating. Special ramps for skateboarding began to be built much later.
  5. In skateboarding, there is a famous trick called the “Ollie” – this is a jump on the board without the help of hands. It is considered the basis of all modern skateboarding. Interestingly, this trick was invented in 1976 by Alan Gelfand. Later, skateboarder Rodney Mullen created an additional set of tricks based on it, which made up the entire modern street style.
  6. The most difficult trick in the history of skateboarding is still considered to be a 900-degree jump. It was first performed in 1999 by the famous American skater Tony Hawk.
  7. At the moment, the highest jump in skateboarding is 5 meters, 5 millimeters, and the longest is 16 meters, 11 centimeters.

Interestingly, such a young sport as skateboarding has already become so popular that many even classify it as a classic sport. During its short history, this sport has managed not only to improve but even to get into the program of Olympic sports, in which not everyone succeeds. According to the International Skateboard Manufacturers Association, the estimated number of skateboarders in the United States today is 9.5 million, of which three million live in California.

The skateboarding market has an estimated annual revenue of US$4.8 billion, and there are 11.08 million active skateboarders worldwide.

Skateboarding has been featured in many American and European films and TV shows, so it’s no surprise that the sport has become so popular.