Prior to the trip, did you all know each other or did you just bond whilst being on the team?
HG: We’ve all known each other for a while but for me, this is the first official trip hanging, so it feels really good — and I think for Werni too. So that’s really nice.
“Harrison is kind of like a steezy uncle, you can always count on him giving you good advice when you need it”
GS: It’s been really cool hanging with Werni too, he’s a good addition to the team. He’s an awesome dude, a good shredder.
MF: Very experienced snowboarder, it’s nice to learn and watch him.
After spending a few days with you all, I feel like everyone brings something different to the team. Werni has this caring ‘dad’-vibe…
GS: He definitely has the dad vibe.
MF: Probably the nicest guy on the team too.
HG: And he’s a triple threat. He can ride park so well, backcountry jumps, pretty much whatever. Epic translator. I would definitely hold his hand walking across a ridge anytime.
GS: We’ve got good banter in this crew which makes it a good ship.
So, if Werni is kind of the triple threat dad, what would you say that Miles’s vibe is?
GS: Miles is our MVP shredder. Nice hair, craziest tricks.
HG: I don’t want to say that the baby because you’re not a baby you’re a grown-up, but you know, kind of.
GS: He keeps the engine going, the locomotive, the youthful energy.
WS: Miles is the young energy guy, with the craziest board control and talent. But he’s also so grounded and super thankful for everything in life.
You can really see that energy. It keeps everyone going.
GS & HG: Totally.

What about Harrison?
WS: Harrison, what a guy, what a legend. So good to have him on board. Such a happy and fun guy, always a pleasure to be out with him. He’s got it all. So steezy on the cold metal, so unique and special.
“I would definitely hold his hand walking across a ridge anytime”
MF: Harrison is kind of like a steezy uncle, you can always count on him giving you good advice when you need it. He’s just the steeziest guy on the mountain, he’s always looking good.
GS: Harrison brings the good vibes and the laughter. The trip would definitely be very dull without him.
Yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone with as good a poker face as Harrison.
[Everyone laugs]
HG: Yeah, trying to keep it cool.
GS: The ultimate vibes and the smoothest operator.