A History of Skiers and Snowboarders Fighting Each O…

If there’s one thing that the long and bloody history of skiers fighting snowboarders has shown us, it’s that we human beings are inherently programmed to destroy ourselves. There’s just too many differing ideologies out there, too many opinionated people with contrasting belief systems, for us to ever share the same ball of space rock without eventually going to war over something.

We like to think we’ve evolved, become more civilised, but deep down we’re still cavemen looking to protect what’s ours by any means necessary – even if it results in severe verbal disputes and weird, almost ballet-like, on-snow wrestling.

Snowboarders mouthing off at skiers. Skiers mouthing off at snowboarders. It’s a tale as old as time. All we can do is flick through the pages of history, tell ourselves we’ve all learned something while preaching “peace, love, and understanding”, and inevitably fall back into our old ways before teatime.

Skier Dad vs. Snowboarder Bro & Homies

Did… did RIDE pay for this? Because… look… it sort… it sort of looks like product placement. The way the board’s logo is just so on show. This is what the internet has done to our minds. Nothing is real anymore. Nothing is fake. Everything is surely, in some way or other, branded content made in partnership with someone somewhere.

Angry skier dad tries to fight snowboarders

This is a video that nobody comes out of particularly well. The ‘angry skier dad’ in the video’s title is cringe in that specific way that only ‘your dad when he’s in a ski resort’ can be. The less said about the snowboarder in the Johnny Borrell style white trousers, who decides to get topless like the bare-knuckle boxers of yore, the better. Embarrassing for everyone involved quite frankly.