When is your favorite time of day to swim?

This is the Swim Poll of the Week for Thursday, December 23, 2021, sponsored by Strechcordz Swim Training Products. In our last poll, we wanted to know: When is your favorite time of day to swim?

Early Morning Practice: Morning practice can come down to a series of comparisons. Getting practice out of the way on an empty stomach, or waiting until later in the day once properly fueled. Being tired from the night before or from the day you just had. Regardless of your choice it either is a personal one, or one dictated by your coach.

Late afternoon/Evening: The best results for Olympic swimmers came around 5 p.m. local time, as found by Renske Lok, Ph.D., a psychiatry fellow. Lok analyzed 72 men and women, and found that there was a.32% increase in swims as compared to a morning practice.

Swim Poll of the Week: When is your favorite time of day to swim?

Early Morning — 26%

Mid-day — 34%

Late afternoon/Evening — 39%