Lunch Break vs Love Handles

By Regan Phillips

Fitness coach for the Hungarian 15s and 7s team

It could be the love handles, the beer belly, the muffin top or the man-boobs. Usually it’s one of these that makes someone realise they need to get their backside into gear and start training again.

One of the most common excuses I hear for someone not training (yes excuse, not valid reason) is time. “I don’t have time to train”, “I’m too busy” etc. Well there’s one thing that you’re legally obliged to, is a lunch break. If you’re unlucky this will be just 30 mins, but usually these last for 45 mins to 1 hour (and even longer for you lucky ones).  Anyway, I wanted to show you that by utilizing this 1 hour slot, you could find some extra time to work on your fitness goals and get closer to that dream bod of yours.

Before we get into the actionable points, you need to realise one thing. A sedentary lifestyle (not moving very much) is the main factor contributing to the global obesity problem we face. Through transportation advancements, online shopping, take-aways, working from home etc, we are more sedentary than ever before. The 8 activities below have the goal of getting you exercising but also clearing your head, to improve both physical and mental health.

I have split the ideas into 2 sections: With and without a shower. So even if you don’t have shower facilities at work, I’ve got you covered.

With Shower

  1. Go for a run. It sounds obvious, but it’s often overlooked. All you need is a change of clothes and some decent trainers. Don’t be put off by the weather, as Bear Grylls says “If it ain’t raining, it ain’t training”.
  • Do a bodyweight workout. You don’t need any equipment, just some floor space will do. If there is a park locally you could even use a bench or maybe parts of the climbing frame to exercise on.
  • Durrr, there’s always hitting the gym! Find a local facility and get your sweat on.
  • Classes. If there is a training facility offering lunch time classes, then get signed up! These are great for motivation and potentially some lunch time networking.

Without Shower

Without the ability to wash, your options for an intense workout are limited (unless you don’t mind stinking out the office for the whole day). So the next ideas have a much lower intensity, and more of a mental benefit than physical.

  1. Take a walk. I know, hardly the most strenuous activity, but it’s better than nothing. Not only do you get some fresh air and a chance to clear your head, but it’s a great way to get your step count up for the day.
  • Yoga. Now don’t get me wrong, some yoga classes are damn hard. But if you find a beginner’s routine and a quiet space, you could have a relaxing hour of stretching before heading back to work.
  • Meditation. I know it’s not much of a calorie burner (probably nothing if I’m honest), but it’s great for mental health. Never given it a go? I dare you to give it a try, it’s much less hippie than you think. Think of it as 20 minutes of me time and a de-stress tactic.
  • Prepare. If you can’t do a workout, you can always prepare for one! Plan your next workout, write your next shopping list, use the time wisely rather than just munching on crisps and listening to talky Tim’s weekend plans.

Now all of these require one thing, planning. My mum always taught me to pack my school bag the night before, and the same comes with your fitness. There’s no point having the best intentions if you don’t follow through with it. Pack your workout bag, bring a healthy lunch in, otherwise you’ll be joining everyone else in the Excuse Makers Club.

Thanks for reading, see you next time.