What has this process been like for you? Do you feel like you have had to defend your character throughout this process because of what happened with you over the last year? Nah, I really — I really don’t feel like I had to defend my character really, you know. That’s just stuff that comes with making bad decisions like that. So if you are going to make that bad decision you got to be prepared for what comes with it. And explaining myself and explaining my character, that is what is gonna come with making a bad decision like that. But it’s been a great process for me, man. Like, it’s what I’ve been dreaming about since a kid so I never say like, it’s overwhelming or it’s too much like, it’s fun. It’s great. Like, this is what I asked for. So I’m happy to be getting it. 

Was there a lot of pressure today at the pro day because of no combine? Yeah, I feel like it was a lot of pressure for everybody, just every player just because you know, usually, we will have combine before pro day. So we could go to combine and mess up on something, go back, right at the pro day and fix it. So just like with pro day being like, I mean, the pro day being like the one-shot for everything this year, I feel like it just added a lot of pressure for everybody.