Letters, Nov. 11: ‘Can the vulnerable afford your plans for our city?”https://calgarysun.com/” Calgary Sun

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It might be premature to say the new council composition is either left or right on the political spectrum, as it is premature to say the taxes have to go up because of the wishes so many new councillors want to bring to the table. However, a word of advice. The new budget for this year and in the future should be based on the ability of the poorest and marginalized to pay, not on the middle class or the well-to-do organized labour. Many seniors and people on fixed income can ill afford whatever increase the administration wants. With the inflation shrinking the purchasing power, those on the lower end of the economic ladder will suffer more than those with good incomes and a guaranteed future. So, before anyone raises their hand for a tax increase, think who will be impacted the most. Think of those relying on food banks and those deciding whether to buy drugs or pay utility bills. They are your constituents as well and they should not be forgotten.
(If the new kids in the candy store think they can keep on spending willy nilly, they will hear about it.)


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We appreciated the editor’s sensible response to the letter writer who mistakenly assumed that “hard-right types” refuse to follow COVID-19 protocols or be vaccinated, and that Albertans’ voting habits have changed because of recent federal and municipal election results. “Hard-right types” is an absurd, meaningless term and Albertans’ political views are as diverse as anywhere else, although most of us realize the folly of re-electing the extremely incompetent Justin Trudeau as prime minister. The letter writer goes on to claim that NDP Leader Rachel Notley holds the same beliefs, which should serve as a red flag to anyone considering voting for her party in the next provincial election.
(There are red flags every which way you turn these days.)


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As the editor, I respect your responses to all emails. I don’t always agree with you but that fits as we can agree to disagree. Your response to the letter submitted by Glenn W. Harrison, I felt, was spot on. It is very apparent that that those individuals that have chosen to get the shot are so badly misinformed. They have no clue that the resistance to the shot is fuelled almost completely by the loss of “freedom of choice” not the opposition to the shot. I refuse to support my favourite restaurants because, by asking for a vax passport and photo ID, they are asking for my personal and private health issues. Does it matter to them that they lost my business, of course not, because they have other customers lined up to show this info as if that is a good thing. Sad. A recent conversation with my MLA did provide a positive note for me. He indicated he gets calls from both sides of the issue, however his last comment was priceless for me, “the anti vaxxers are much more informed than the vaxxers”.
(Informed about what, though?)


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I kind of knew it had to eventually happen, the demise of the once outstanding Calgary Sun. The things you print and don’t print leave me no choice but to say the Friday edition of the Sun will be the last I ever purchase. I realize in these hard times it is difficult to produce a paper that makes everyone happy. But there are a couple of things being deleted and some things added that baffle the mind. The baseball and football stats. I looked forward to seeing the football stats on Monday and the baseball stats every day. So we get entertainment crap, like poor Harrison Ford lost his credit card, boo hoo. And then Adele says she was drunk as a fart while recording her album 21. Give me a break. Your once proud paper has turned to tabloid trash. Good-bye.
(Sorry to have lost you. We are trying to meet our internal challenges daily and hate losing readers.)


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So Mayor Jyoti Gondek (Nenshi Lite) is making declaring a climate emergency her first priority of business. She says she is doing this in order to get funding. Funding for what and from where, the Ottawa sockboy?! Good luck with that pipe dream, the wacky tobaccy down at fort fumble must be pretty good for those kinds of pipe dreams! Methinks she and the rest of the newly minted woke crowd voted in at the puzzle palace (I don’t mean Sean Chu or Andre Chabot) should concentrate their efforts on cancelling the mandatory employee vaccination policy, that will start to affect not only transit service but each and every other department in the city fairly quickly. Mayor Gondek, you and council were elected to ensure that city services are maintained and that the interests of the citizens who you work for are taken care of to the very best of your abilities. Quit jousting at windmills and do the job you were elected for!
(She will do as she chooses. Calgarians will then judge her work in four years. That’s where we are at.)
