2022 European Youth Olympic Festival | WAG All-Around, Team Final Live Blog

Welcome to the live blog for the women’s all-around and team competition at the 2022 European Youth Olympic Festival, held in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia!

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9:44 am. Marlene Gotthardt GER FX: Deep landing on the first pass, didn’t see if it was a double front or arabian double front but it was probalby one or the other! Hit the next pass that I saw. Double tuck at the end with a bounce back. 11.800 (4.9 D)

Lucia Dobrocka SVK BB: Solid bhs loso. Front aerial, slight check, Korbut. Little bobble on the full turn. Nailed the dismount. She’s a staaaaaar! 12.350 (4.8 D)

Sophie McGuinness IRL UB: Clear hip, blind change to front half, changes direction again, blind full, layout dismount. 9.800 (2.5 D)

9:43 am. Vileza Zeqiri KOS VT: Tsuk tuck, looked like she landed it on her knees sadly! 10.250 (3.2 D)

9:42 am. Maeve McGuinness IRL UB: Arched over on the handstand out of a toe-on and came off. Back on and hit her low bar elements this time. Some ankle sepration on a blind change. Layout dismount. 7.800 (2.6 D)

Sofia Banovicova SVK BB: Punch front mount, excellent! Good jump series. Came off on something after that. Hit a side aerial. Landed a punch front. Hit the dismount. 11.100 (4.3 D)

Helen Kevric GER FX: Big full-in with a hop to start. Double full with a big hop back. Front tuck through to layout full. 12.850 (5.0 D)

9:41 am. Julia Weissenhofer LIE VT: Tsuk layout for her first vault. Good landing! 12.200 (3.4 D)

Sat her second vault, unfortunately. Looked like a handspring something or other. 11.150 (3.6 D)

9:39 am. Meolie Jauch GER FX: Clean double tuck with a hop. Her music is day bow bow. You know, the song from the 80s? Front full with a step. Hit the last pass! 12.350 (4.6 D)

Ema Bazikova SVK BB: Punch front mount, nice! A little bobble on the full turn. Great punch front. Hit an acro series. Front layout full dismount. Good routine! 12.100 (4.6 D)

Lily Russell IRL UB: Caught it from the toe shoot, blind full, and a layout dismount. 10.000 (2.1 D)

Elena Nikolova BUL VT: I missed this. 11.600 (3.4 D)

9:38 am. Touch for the second half wrapping up! Mixed group on vault, Ireland on bars, Slovakia on beam, and Germany on floor.

9:35 am. Hanne Degryse BEL FX: Double pike, too far in the rotation and she sits it. Full L turn. Front layout to front tuck with a bounce. Double wolf turn. Double full with kind of a bounce into a lunge. 10.750 (4.2 D)

9:32 am. Yelena Devreker BEL FX: I saw the front layout, good landing there. Think she had a double full at the end, big bounce back. 11.200 (4.2 D)

Anni Piperi CYP BB: Good side aerial, just a bobble there. Side somi, and she falls. Split leap to wolf jump. Hit the dismount with a hop. 9.000 (4.3 D)

Lilou Viallat FRA UB: Toe-on to Maloney to Pak, clean! Great handstand before the van Leeuwen, and out of it, clear hip to blind change, very smooth, to front giant to huge straddle Jaeger, blind half, blind full, a little late, and a high clean double tuck with a step back. That should score well! 12.850 (4.8 D)

9:30 am. Lana Pondart FRA UB: Blind full, blind change (ankle sep) to front giant to straddle Jaeger, went into a dead hang after, short handstand before a blind half, double tuck, kinda ran out of it. 10.500 (3.5 D)

9:27 am. Eva Bruynseels BEL FX: I only saw the layout full, which had a big hop back. 10.950 (4.1 D)

Revekka Loizou CYP BB: Had a break at the hips on something and fell right after. Cross straddle jump also had a big break. Hit the dismount. 8.450 (3.9 D)

Ambre Frotté FRA UB: Stalder to inbar to blind full (nice handstand, almost vertical), blind change to piked Jaeger, good! Solid on the bail to toe shoot, and hit the dismount. 12.400 (4.2 D)

Elizabeta Korkia GEO VT: Handspring front tuck for her first vault, deep landing, squatted but didn’t touch the mat. 11.700 (3.6 D)

Hit her second vault as well, stepped back out of it. 11.550 (3.4 D)

9:26 am. Wrapping up the touch for rotation two! Think well get Georgia on vault in the first half, then France on bars, Cyprus on beam, and Belgium on floor.

9:21 am. Julia Weissenhofer LIE FX: Good double tuck, leg came up on the landing on her double full, front tuck through to layout full, solid! She’s also using Laurie Hernandez music so she’s obviously a star. 10.900 (4.0 D)

9:18 am. Ema Bazikova SVK UB: Nice handstand before the clear hip to toe-on, stalder to toe shoot, blind change, gets stuck in the front giant and comes off. Hit the dismount with a step back. 9.200 (3.0 D)

Meolie Jauch GER BB: Great punch front mount, check on the bhs loso, switch leap was good, off on something shortly after that. Hit the rest. 11.300 (4.6 D)

Sophie McGuinness IRL VT: Didn’t see what she did but thought she had a good landing. 12.000 (3.2 D)

9:16 am. Lucia Dobrocka SVK UB: Toe full to Maloney, nice. Went back to the low bar, then toe shoot, blind change to straddle Jaeger, the crowd is loving this! High double pike with a step back. Yes!! 12.600 (4.7 D)

Elena Nikolova BUL FX: Double tuck, hands looked like they were down. Good double full. 10.100 (3.9 D)

Marlene Gotthardt GER BB: I missed the beginning. Okay, I missed all of it apparently, just saw the front layout full dismount. 12.000 (4.8 D)

Lily Russell IRL VT: I missed this. 12.000 (3.6 D)

9:15 am. Maeve McGuinnes IRL VT: I didn’t see it but she hit. 11.900 (3.4 D)

9:12 am. Helen Kevric GER BB: Bhs bhs loso, split the beam. Actually looked like she did a Korbut. She meant to do it! Not a fall! Hit a side somi. Punch front. Both good. 2.5 dismount with a hop forward. 11.550 (4.2 D)

Sofia Banovicova SVK UB: I think she had a fall early on. Toe-on to stalder to clear hip to toe shoot, nice. Had a fall from the high bar before her dismount. Back on for a layout. 9.500 (3.5 D)

Vileza Zeqiri KOS FX: Hit the first pass and a leap series. Last pass was a 1.5. Last time a gymnast from Kosovo competed at EYOF a few years ago she was given a courtesy score only, so it’s nice to see that she has a pretty solid level of difficulty! 9.400 (3.2 D)

9:10 am. Touch warmup for the second half! Ireland on vault, Slovakia on bars, Germany on beam, and the mixed group on floor.

9:07 am. Eva Bruynseels BEL BB: Full wolf turn, side aerial, tiny check, bhs back tuck with a few steps back out of it, switch leap, off on her side somi. So Belgium will count two falls, but Devreker’s score was actually pretty good considering the fall! Nice air on the dismount, lunge back. 11.150 (4.2 D)

9:05 am. Yelena Devreker BEL BB: Double wolf turn, front aerial with a little step back, split jump to wolf jump, I missed some things before the switch to switch half, break at the hips but saves it. Off on the side somi right after, though. Back on for the dismount, a layout full with a hop back. 11.700 (4.7 D)

Lilou Viallat FRA VT: FTY, looked like just a small hop back, overall good! 13.200 (4.2 D)

9:03 am. Ambre Frotté FRA VT: Hit her vault, I caught the end of it, Yurchenko full I’m pretty sure. 13.000 (4.2 D)

Revekka Loizou CYP UB: Toe-on to toe shoot, legs apart in the blind full, and a back layout dismount, stuck. 9.700 (2.2 D)

9:01 am. Hanne Degryse BEL BB: Double wolf turn, steps back out of the bhs back tuck and falls. Hit the front pike dismount with a small hop. 10.500 (4.0 D)

Anni Piperi CYP UB: Pak, some flexed feet, arched over on the handstand after and came off. Back on for a clear hip to toe-on, arches over and falls again. Back on for toe-on to toe shoot, short handstand before the giants into a layout dismount. 7.150 (2.2 D)

Lana Pondart FRA VT: Yurchenko, looked like a layout probably? Good landing. 12.450 (3.6 D)

9:00 am. France begins on vault, Cyprus on bars, Belgium on beam, and I don’t think we’ll have anyone going on floor…though we’ll have a mixed group there in the second half of the rotation.

8:59 am. Back for the third subdivision! Touch warmups beginning now.

7:50 am. Subdivision three, which includes France, Ireland, Cyprus, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Kosovo, Bulgaria, and Liechtenstein, starts at 3 pm CEST, which is 9 am ET (where I am). See you in a little over an hour!


1. Amalia Puflea ROU 51.650
2. Amalia Ghigoarta ROU 50.550
3. Elina Grawin SWE 50.350
4. July Marano ITA 49.850
5. Arianna Grillo ITA 49.400
6. Samira Raffin SUI 49.300
7. Sabrina Voinea ROU 48.950
8. Martina Pieratti ITA 48.900
9. Abi Martin GBR 48.550
10. Alice Vlkova CZE 48.500
11. Sona Artamonova CZE 48.350
12. Evie Flage-Donovan GBR 48.100
13. Leni Bohle AUT 47.900
14. Kiara Raffin SUI 47.750
15. Lou-Anne Citherlet SUI 47.450
16. Ruby Evans GBR 46.900


1. Romania 102.950
2. Italy 102.150
3. Great Britain 98.400
4. Czech Republic 98.250
5. Switzerland 97.650
6. Austria 93.850
7. Denmark 91.800
8. Norway 91.050
9. Greece 89.200
10. Israel 88.900
11. Portugal 87.400
12. Iceland 76.250

7:36 am. Yali Shoshani ISR BB: bhs loso is solid, just minor leg form errors. Split jump to sissone. Ooh, nice full Y turn. Then came off right after. Ugh! Back on for the dismount, which was hit. 11.200 (4.5 D)

Kiara Raffin SUI VT: Solid tsuk layout. 12.000 (3.4 D)

Yurchenko layout second vault, hop back. 11.850 (3.2 D)

7:33 am. Samira Raffin SUI VT: FTY, step on the landing, not bad overall. 12.850 (4.2 D)

Second vault got an 11.700 (3.2 D)

Nitzan Steinberg ISR BB: Saw a nice punch front from her. Had a fall later on. Good double full dismount. 10.450 (4.4 D)

Tomine Gadderud NOR UB: She had a dead hang at one point. Hit the rest, though, layout dismount. 7.850 (2.5 D)

7:31 am. Keisha Lockert NOR UB: Some little things throughout but had a nice Jaeger and solid layout dismount. 10.400 (3.3 D)

7:29 am. Kristine Hammerø NOR UB: toe shoot, blind change (legs) to front giant half (legs again), layout dismount. 9.300 (2.6 D)

Almog Leizerovich ISR BB: Had a fall early in the routine. 7.550 (4.3 D)

Lucka Ravnihar SLO FX: Hands down on her first pass. Front layout with a step forward. Full L turn into a pretty little arabesque out of it. Layout full at the end. 9.900 (3.6 D)

Lou-Anne Citherlet SUI VT: Think she had a handspring front tuck. 12.200 (3.6 D)

Second vault looked nice! A tsuk tuck full maybe? Idk. 12.350 (3.8 D)

7:28 am. Elina Grawin didn’t do a magical DTY, but she IS currently third all-around behind the Amalias for Romania!

7:25 am. Mila Prpic CRO FX: Hit a double back at the beginning, a bit wild in the landing on the front layout full. 11.600 (4.4 D)

Leni Bohle AUT BB: Good bhs loso! Clean side aerial. Hit the dismount without any problems. 12.450 (4.6 D)

7:24 am. Elina Grawin SWE VT: Yurchenko…can’t tell if it’s a layout or pike or tuck. But no twist. Very solid landing. 12.250 (3.2 D)

7:22 am. Valerija Ratobilska LAT FX: Hit a double back at the beginning. Front layout full. Her music is “In the Hall of the Mountain King” which never fails to give me a panic attack as it progressively gets faster, WHO can do a floor routine to this?! 11.400 (4.4 D)

Aurea Wutschka AUT BB: Caught a good jump series from her. Hit everything else, small hop on the dismount. 11.600 (4.1 D)

Maeva Ventura LUX VT: Yurchenko…tuck I think? 11.500 (3.2 D)

7:21 am. Maria Menezes POR UB: Think she had a Maloney to Pak to start? Blind change with some leg separation in the front giant before the piked Jaeger. Blind full, some ankle separation, and a layout dismount. 10.500 (4.1 D)

7:18 am. Tara Stefanovic SRB FX: Nice double pike! Switch leap to split leap. She has some old Laurie Hernandez music. Big double tuck! Front layout full, just some leg form. 10.950 (4.3 D)

Valentina Frint AUT BB: I missed this! 10.900 (4.0 D)

Gabriela Alves POR UB: Blind full, blind change to front giant (legs), to piked Jaeger (tucks her knees a bit), hit the rest, including a double tuck dismount with a step to the side. 10.350 (4.1 D)

Marieta Buchakhchyan ARM VT: Had a handspring something or other, tuck full maybe? I honestly don’t know and am just making that up. Just saw that she hit. 12.500 (3.8 D)

Looked like a handspring front half for her second vault, again impossible to tell the shape from here, but landing looked good.

7:16 am. Touch for the final rotation of this subdivision! Mixed groups on vault and floor, Portugal on bars, and Austria on beam.

Really impressed with Samira Raffin, who went 8+ in execution on bars and floor, and had a 7.0 E score on beam with a fall!! She’s so clean and solid. Also really invested in Elina Grawin working a miracle and magically upgrading to a DTY on vault so she can win this thing.

7:11 am. Samira Raffin SUI FX: One of my new favorites! Loved her on bars and beam. Split jump full. Double tuck, good landing. Maybe a little low. Double full with a hop back. Front full with a hop forward. Switch ring to split ring, nice. 12.400 (4.4 D)

7:09 am. Yali Shoshani ISR UB: Came off early on the low bar, on a pirouette I think. Back on for a stalder to toe shoot, hit the dismount. 10.000 (3.3 D)

Keisha Lockert NOR VT: She had a handspring front full, couldn’t tell the shape but not a layout. 12.700 (3.8 D)

Second vault went 11.250 (3.0 D)

7:08 am. Kiara Raffin SUI FX: Big double tuck to start. Double full, some weird form in the air but another solid landing. Switch ring to tour jeté half, some form there. Hit the last pass. This was very nice! 12.250 (4.2 D)

Kristine Hammerø NOR VT: Yurchenko tuck I think. Hard to see from here! 11.750 (3.2 D)

7:06 am. Almog Leizerovich ISR UB: Nice Pak, toe-on to clear hip to toe shoot, blind change to front giant half, blind full, and a high tight double tuck, step to the side. 10.250 (3.5 D)

7:05 am. Lou-Anne Citherlet SUI FX: Hit her first pass, then switch to tour jeté half. Good double full. Front full with a hop forward. 11.800 (4.3 D)

Nitzan Steinberg ISR UB: Hit routine! Including a stuck layout dismount. 9.900 (2.7 D)

Lucka Ravnihar SLO BB: Wasn’t typing but pretty sure she hit! 11.600 (4.2 D)

Tomine Gadderud NOR VT: Yurchenko layout with a slide back. 11.500 (3.2 D)

7:04 am. Elina Grawin only 13.55 back from first place after three rotations!!! That’s kind of incredible. I think she has a chance at being second after this subdivision?!

7:00 am. Maeva Ventura LUX FX: Hit the first pass, double back I think. Front layout was clean. 10.350 (3.8 D)

Valerija Ratobilska LAT BB: Wobbly on her wolf turn. Off on her acro series. Switch leap. Hit the dismount with a lunge back. 10.250 (3.9 D)

6:59 am. Leni Bohle AUT UB: Blind change to front giant to straddle Jaeger, ot it, then kinda fell out of handstand and had to start her swing again. Stalder, bail, nice handstand before the toe-on to toe shoot, ugh, bent her legs fully and caught really close. Double tuck dismount. 10.400 (4.2 D)

6:56 am. Marieta Buchakhchyan ARM FX: Hava Nagila! Double pike with a hop forward. Hit the second pass as well. Front tuck through to layout full, little wobble. 1.5 was deep but she stood it up. 11.250 (4.2 D)

Valentina Frint AUT UB: Blind change to straddle Jaeger. Hit the rest. 10.100 (3.2 D)

Tara Stefanovic SRB BB: Had two falls that I could see. 7.500 (4.6 D)

Maria Menezes POR VT: I missed this. 12.900 (4.2 D)

I also missed her second vault. I’m horrible with catching vault and beam. 12.550 (3.6 D)

6:52 am. Elina Grawin SWE FX: Double tuck with a hop forward. Had a nice ring leap. I didn’t see the rest but I’m sure it was gorgeous. 12.250 (4.3 D)

Mila Prpic CRO BB: Unfortunately missed this! 10.150 (4.7 D)

Aurea Wutschka AUT UB: Had a fall right when I looked over, on the low bar. Toe-on, holds it forever before the stalder to toe circle, jumps to the high bar. Hit the dismount, I think just a layout. 9.000 (2.0 D)

Gabriela Alves POR VT: I missed this. 11.400 (3.2 D)

Second vault got an 11.200 (3.0 D)

6:50 am. Rotation three touch! Portugal on vault, Austria on bars, mixed group on beam, and mixed group on floor.

6:45 am. Kiara Raffin SUI BB: Hit an aerial, stumble out of a switch leap. Full turn, a little overrotated. 11.950 (4.5 D)

Keisha Lockert NOR FX: Double L turn. Switch full. I think had a 1.5 to rudi which is fun. Queen music. Switch to tour jeté half. Double tuck with a step to the side. They put the ad on at the end so we missed it. You couldn’t have waited like 15 seconds? 11.800 (4.5 D)

6:41 am. Samira Raffin SUI BB: Fantastic punch front mount! Just adjusts her arms. Punch front after that also great. Okay, Chuso! Good jump series. NOOOO, off on something after that, maybe an aerial? I only saw the landing. Solid bhs loso. Big switch leap. Front layout full with a hop forward. 11.700 (4.7 D) – ugh her E would have been 8+ without the fall!!!

Kristine Hammerø NOR FX: Double tuck was good. Had a front layout that landed well IIRC. Layout full stuck at the end. 11.900 (4.1 D)

Yali Shoshani ISR VT: I missed this. 12.050 (3.4 D)

Almog Leizerovich ISR VT: Tsuk pike I think. 12.050 (3.4 D)

6:39 am. Tomine Gadderud NOR FX: Nice double tuck to start. Solid front layout. Double full with a step back. 10.900

Lou-Anne Citherlet SUI BB: Full turn, took a while to start it. I missed everything else except the layout full, which was stuck. 12.100 (4.3 D)

Nitzan Steinberg ISR VT: Looked like a tsuk pike with a step forward. 11.850 (3.4 D)

6:38 am. Lucka Ravnihar SLO UB: Hit everything on the low bar at the beginning, had a front giant on the high bar, and a front layout dismount. 10.200 (2.6 D)

6:34 am. Marieta Buchakhchyan ARM BB: Good bhs loso! Switch leap, ooh, doesn’t connect but does a switch 3/4 that I think she actually overrotates and it kind of becomes a switch full hahaha. Amazing. Aerial with a check. Switch half. Split jump to wolf jump, check. Wobbled on something after that. Double tuck, small hop, but damn!!! 10.500 (4.2 D)

6:33 am. Tara Stefanovic SRB UB: Shootover, clear hip, toe shoot, kind of hip circles around the high bar, gets the double tuck with a hop into her salute. 7.750 (1.9 D)

6:29 am. Aurea Wutschka AUT VT: Looked like a handspring front tuck, step. 12.500 (3.6 D)

Mila Prpic CRO UB: Tkachev, nice. Good handstand before the Pak, clean. Took an extra swing on the low bar I think, ooh, very nice Endo half! Toe full was a little late and her feet hit the mat. Back on for a toe shoot, and a layout dismount, stuck. 10.400 (4.2 D)

Maria Menezes POR FX: Double pike with a big bounce back. Double tuck with a big bounce back as well. I think both may have gone OOB? 11.350 (4.3 D)

Elina Grawin SWE BB: Back handspring mount. I missed everything up to the full Y turn, nice! Front aerial, clean and solid. Double full with a bounce back, lovely work again! 12.600 (4.7 D)

Leni Bohle AUT VT: Great FTY! 13.300 (4.2 D)

Second vault was a big Yurchenko layout, maybe a bit too much power, bounces back out of it. 12.500 (3.6 D)

6:27 am. Gabriela Alves POR FX: Double tuck with a step forward. Little Mermaid music so I stan. Small step out of the front layout full. 11.500 (4.2 D)

Maeva Ventura LUX BB: Switch leap to sissone, little check. Hit everything else I saw. Wolf turn 1.5, kinda fell forward a little but held on. Hit routine! 10.450 (4.3 D)

Valerija Ratobilska LAT UB: Full pirouette on the low bar, clear hip to toe shoot, toe half to front giant, to front layout with a step. 9.900 (2.6 D)

Valentina Frint AUT VT: I missed it but saw that she hit. 12.050 (3.4 D)

6:25 am. Moving into the rotation two touch!

6:20 am. Nitzan Steinberg ISR FX: Double tuck, a bit forward on the landing, big step out of it. Hit the leap series with a step. 1.5 to front layout, some leg form in both. Better on the 2.5 near the end. Good double full. 11.650 (4.5 D)

6:18 am. Kristine Hammerø NOR BB: A little slow in the switch to switch half series. Side aerial was good. Front aerial, little check. Hit the dismount. Good work! 11.500 (4.4 D)

6:17 am. Samira Raffin SUI UB: Big straddle Jaeger, Pak, Ray to high, blind full right in handstand, tucked toe front half, good! 12.350 (4.3 D)

Almog Leizerovich ISR FX: Double pike with a small step forward. Clean double tuck as well. Full L turn. Front tuck through to layout full I think, some form in the latter. Ugh, sat the last pass, I think a 1.5. 10.550 (4.3 D)

6:15 am. Keisha Lockert NOR BB: Hit her flight series but off on the acro right after, sadly. Switch side, check on the side aerial, a little short on her jumps before the back tuck, wobble. Layout full dismount. 10.800 (4.7 D)

6:14 am. Kiara Raffin SUI UB: Big straddle Jaeger, Tkachev, nice! Great handstand before the bail (some ankle separation), good handstand before the clear hip to toe shoot, blind full, and a solid double tuck, small step back. 11.550 (4.3 D)

6:13 am. Yali Shoshani ISR FX: Mamma Mia!! Didn’t see what she started with, 2.5 maybe? Memmel turn had a nice split. Double full. switch ring to split ring leap, nice! Front layout to front full, clean and stuck! She’s super tidy. 11.250 (3.9 D)

6:12 am. Lucka Ravnihar SLO VT: Yurchenko tuck, runs back out of it. 11.300 (3.0 D)

Lou-Anne Citherlet SUI UB: Blind change to Jaeger, good. Hit the rest, including a double tuck with a step. 11.350 (4.2 D)

Tomine Gadderud NOR BB: I didn’t see the beginning. Okay, or anything except the dismount, which was a double full. 11.700 (4.3 D)

6:07 am. Leni Bohle AUT FX: Super high on her double tuck, big bounce back though. Big tour jeté half. Had a front pass for her second that was also pretty big and solid. Strong double full, bouncy again though. Great work! 11.750 (4.3 D)

Mia Prpic CRO VT: I missed this. 13.000 (4.2 D)

Had a second vault, I didn’t see what it was but there was a wild bounce back on the landing. 9.600 (1.6 D)

6:04 am. Valentina Frint AUT FX: Clean double tuck with a step to the side. Double full, lunge out. Front layout was a bit arched. 10.650 (3.9 D)

Maria Menezes POR BB: Switch leap, jump series, both fine. Had a nice full turn and cross jump. 9.450 (4.4 D)

Valerija Ratobilska LAT VT: Yurchenko layout with a step back. 11.300 (3.0 D)

Elina Grawin SWE UB: Maloney (floaty) to Pak (floaty)…ery nice. Van Leeuwen, just some ankle form, good handstand before the stalder to toe-on, blind change to straddle Jaeger, she has great lines. Almost perf handstand in the blind full, wow, high double tuck with a bounce in place. Lovely! 13.250 (4.9 D)

6:03 am. Maeva Ventura LUX UB: Toe-on to toe shoot, blind full, blind change to front giants, layout dismount. 9.650 (2.7 D)

6:01 am. Aurea Wutschka AUT FX: Good double tuck to start. Nice double full at the end. 11.750 (4.3 D)

Gabriela Alves POR BB: Side aerial was solid. Okay, that’s all I saw from her. 9.950 (3.9 D)

Marieta Buchakhchyan ARM UB: Shootover, clear hip to toe shoot, a little close, double tuck, hit! I think she was actually born in Armenia which might be a first for them? 9.450 (2.5 D)

Tara Stefanovic SRB VT: I think she did a handspring front tuck, looked good from here! 12.400 (3.6 D)

Second vault looked like a tsuk pike? Step back. 12.000 (3.4 D)

6:00 am. Subdivision two starts off with a mixed group on vault and bars, Portugal on beam, and Austria on floor!

5:49 am. Subdivision two starts in 11 minutes!


1. Amalia Puflea ROU 51.650
2. Amalia Ghigoarta ROU 50.550
3. July Marano ITA 49.850
4. Arianna Grillo ITA 49.400
5. Sabrina Voinea ROU 48.950
6. Martina Pieratti ITA 48.900
7. Abi Martin GBR 48.550
8. Alice Vlkova CZE 48.500
9. Sona Artamonova CZE 48.350
10. Evie Flage-Donovan GBR 48.100
11. Ruby Evans GBR 46.900
12. Sara Jacobsen DEN 46.150
13. Vanesa Masova CZE 46.100
14. Natalie Jensen DEN 45.150
15. Athanasia Mesiri GRE 44.300
16. Hannah Lassen DEN 43.850


1. Romania 102.950
2. Italy 102.150
3. Great Britain 98.400
4. Czech Republic 98.250
5. Denmark 91.800
6. Greece 89.200
7. Iceland 76.250

5:39 am. Amalia Ghigoarta ROU BB: Hit the mount. Side aerial, good. Ugh, off on the bhs loso. Big hop back on the double full dismount. 12.000 (5.0 D)

Sara Jacobsen DEN FX: Full-in, small hop but solid! Big double tuck. Strong on her leap series. Very good work! 11.800 (4.4 D)

5:36 am. Alice Vlkova CZE UB: Straddle Jaeger and Pak were both good, also hit the dismount. 11.550 (4.3 D)

Natalie Jensen DEN FX: Hit the first pass with a step back. 2.5! Step forward. 11.650 (4.4 D)

Amalia Puflea ROU BB: Front handspring front tuck, little wobble but good save. Switch to straddle jump to back handspring, straddle probably not fully split, but great connections in that series. I missed some things right after that, caught up again at the side aerial, little break there. Had a jump into a back handspring, another good connection. Hit the dismount, I think a double tuck IIRC? 12.900 (5.3 D)

Natalia Runarsdottir ISL VT: I missed this. 11.900 (3.4 D)

Vanesa Masova CZE UB: Saw the Pak, nice handstand after, stalder full was a bit rough in the leg form but good save, van Leeuwen, some leg form. Good dismount as well. This was excellent! The CZE ladies have so much promise! 12.650 (4.9 D)

5:35 am. Arna Birgisdottir ISL VT: I didn’t see it but looked hit? 11.800 (3.4 D)

Also had a second vault. 11.750 (3.6 D)

5:33 am. Moving on to the second half of the rotation!

Sabrina Voinea ROU BB: Hit everything I saw at the beginning. I didn’t type through any of this I guess. Double tuck dismount was stuck, just legs apart. 11.450 (4.6 D)

Sona Artamonova CZE UB: Hit everything I saw, and has tons of potential here. Really clean double tuck dismount. 11.250 (3.5 D)

Hannah Lassen DEN FX: Had a nice layout full, hit everything else! 10.950 (3.9 D)

Ragnheidur Johannsdottir ISL VT: DNS

5:28 am. July Marano ITA VT: Yurchenko 1.5, good position on the landing, looked like she took a step to the side, possibly OOB? 13.250 (4.6 D)

FTY for her second vault, chest forward with a step forward as well. They didn’t show her score for that one.

Maria Veletzeki GRE FX: Tons of power into the double tuck! Good landing. Split jump full was nice. Front full with a step forward. Switch to switch half. Double full, big step back OOB. Full Y turn at the end. Nice work. 10.700 (4.2 D)

5:26 am. Evie Flage-Donovan GBR UB: A lot of pressure to keep GBR from counting a fall. Blind full, blind change to piekd Jaeger, legs apart but got it, short handstand before the bail (legs) to toe-on to toe shoot (close). Think she did a full-in dismount, had a step back. Good for her! 11.900 (4.4 D)

5:25 am. Athanasia Mesiri GRE FX: Double tuck was very nice. 1.5 to front layout, a bit arched in the latter. Back layout to straddle jump at the end, love it! 11.800 (4.1 D)

Arianna Grillo ITA VT: Nice FTY! 13.150 (4.2 D)

Clean Yurchenko layout for her second vault. 12.750 (3.6 D)

5:24 am. Ruby Evans GBR UB: Ray, maybe caught a little close? Bail to toe-on to toe shoot, blind full, that was very nice, blind change to front giant to double front, ugh, sat it! That was going so well. 10.450 (4.3 D)

5:23 am. Martina Pieratti ITA VT: FTY, came up short, couldn’t see if she put a hand down but it looked really low and like she took a step off the mat. 11.100 (4.2 D)

She was signed up for a second vault but didn’t do one.

5:21 am. Melina Gousiou GRE FX: Think she had a double tuck at the start, step forward. Layout full was nice. Think she had a barani for her last pass. Hit routine! 11.800 (4.3 D)

Abi Martin GBR GB: Some leg breaks before the straddle Jaeger but got that very well, solid Pak, toe-on to toe shoot, a little short in the handstand before the dismount, a full-in with a step. Good start! 11.400 (4.4 D)

5:18 am. Final rotation for subdivision one! Italy will start on vault, Great Britain on bars, and Greece on floor.

5:16 am. Ragnheidur Johannsdottir DNS on floor FYI.

They stopped showing D scores on StupidScoring btw, so I don’t have the last two Ds (but do have the totals).

5:15 am. Sabrina Voinea ROU UB: Maloney (legs everywhere) to clear hip, Ray (leg form), Pak, gets it around but quite low, van Leeuwen (legs again), kind of chucks a front giant, wild toe full, and full-in with a hop. It wasn’t cute but she pulled it out! 11.200

Natalie Jensen DEN BB: Didn’t type during this but she hit everything I saw! 12.250

5:14 am. Alice Vlkova CZE VT: Not bad on her FTY for her first vault. 12.900 (4.2 D)

Had a second vault as well, I didn’t see what. 13.200 (4.4 D)

5:11 am. Vanesa Masova CZE VT: Didn’t see what it was but she sat it. 11.250 (3.8 D)

Sara Jacobsen DEN BB: Clean side aerial. Hit the front layout dismount. Think she hit everything! 11.300 (4.5 D)

Natalia Runarsdottir ISL FX: Double tuck, sat it. Good front layout full to front tuck! 9.800 (4.0 D)

Amalia Ghigoarta ROU UB: Toe full, nice handstand before the Maloney to stalder, Ricna was very nice, Pak, back on the high bar for a stalder, blind change to front giant half, double pike ended up deep with a step but this was very nice and relatively clean overall. 13.000 (5.0 D)

5:09 am. Hannah Lassen DEN BB: Hit everything I saw! 11.200 (4.0 D)

Amalia Puflea ROU UB: Nice handstand in a pirouette at the beginning, Maloney was a little low, to stalder full (some leg form), Ricna, good! Ray, good handstand before the Pak, little things with her legs not being tight throughout, toe shoot, toe-on, small hop on the dismount. 12.500 (5.3 D)

Sona Artamonova CZE VT: Handspring front tuck IIRC. Hop forward. 12.300 (3.6 D)

Arna Birgisdottir ISL FX: Come on baby do the conga music hahahaha. Love that for her. Double tuck was good. Had a front layout that landed well. 10.450 (4.1 D)

5:06 am. Second half of the rotation will have the Czech Republic on vault, Romania on bars, Denmark on beam, and Iceland on floor.

5:02 am. Ruby Evans GBR VT: DTY! Chest forward on the landing with a big step OOB. 13.550 (5.0 D)

Second vault was a big clean FTY, great landing there. 13.300 (4.2 D)

Athanasia Mesiri GRE BB: Front handspring to front tuck, ugh, she’s off. Off again on her front aerial. Sad about this! 9.800 (4.5 D)

Arianna Grillo ITA FX: I think she opened with a 2.5 to front tuck, step forward, OOB maybe? It’s hard to see. Second pass landed well. Also really strong on the double pike. Stuck the double full COLD! Her performance here was fabulous. 12.350 (4.8 D)

4:59 am. July Marano ITA FX: Tucked full-in, good landing! Double L turn to full spin. Hop to the side on a front full. Hit the last pass. Very clean! 13.000 (5.0 D)

Melina Gousiou GRE BB: Switch leap slow to the jump series. Good side aerial. Off on something after that, looked like maybe a front aerial based on how she landed it. Off again on the bhs back tuck. Tour jeté. Layout full dismount I think, landing looked good. 10.350 (4.4 D)

Abi Martin GBR VT: FTY, hopped back. 13.000 (4.2 D)

Second vault is a Yurchenko layout, huge air, huge bounce back, I love her power. 12.500 (3.6 D)

4:56 am. Martina Pieratti ITA FX: Landing was a little wild on the double pike at the start. Double tuck was better, chest a bit low though. Front layout to front full, and a small hop back on the double full. 12.000 (4.7 D)

Maria Veletzeki GRE BB: Hit the bhs loso with her leg up but good save. Front aerial, same thing. I missed a little in the middle, hit the layout full dismount with a hop back. 11.000 (4.6 D)

Evie Flage-Donovan GBR VT: FTY with a couple of steps back. 12.950 (4.2 D)

Yurchenko layout for her second vault, bounces back out of it. 12.450 (3.6 D)

4:51 am. Going into the touch for the first half of rotation three! Great Britain on vault, Greece on beam, and Italy on floor.

4:48 am. Arna Birgisdottir ISL BB: Check on the bhs loso and some form but no major problems with it. Off on her standing back tuck. Layout dismount with a hop. 9.200 (4.0 D)

Alice Vlkova CZE FX: 2.5 to front tuck, small hop but very solid. Hit the second pass as well. Had a bobble on the landing of the last pass but stayed upright. Switch to tour jeté half at the end. 11.850 (4.4 D)

4:47 am. Sabrina Voinea ROU VT: DTY, hop back, hard to see form from here but she got it around well and the landing was good! 13.650 (5.0 D)

FTY with a step forward for her second vault. 12.900 (4.2 D)

Her average should be 13.275.

4:45 am. Sona Artamanova CZE FX: 1.5 to front full, step forward. Double pike, hop. Double full with a hop back. Nice work! 12.000 (4.6 D)

Ragnheidur Johannsdottir ISL BB: Didn’t see a ton of this, caught a full turn and some of her choreo, then the tuck full dismount (hop). 8.950 (4.2 D)

Sara Jacobsen DEN UB: Blind change (leg sep) to straddle Jaeger, got it! Overshoot, came off on something after that, I think when she transitioned to the high bar. Oh yeah, toe shoot it looked like, she repeated it. High stuck double tuck for the dismount. Potential in this routine! 9.600 (3.2 D)

4:43 am. Amalia Puflea ROU VT: FTY, looked very nice from here, right down the middle. 13.250 (4.2 D)

She had a second vault as well that earned a 12.000 (3.4 D) – 12.625 average

4:41 am. Amalia Ghigoarta ROU VT: FTY, good! 12.950 (4.2 D)

Natalia Runarsdottir ISL BB: The ad was playing at the start of her routine but only once thank the lord. I didn’t type during most of this but saw her come off on a side aerial. 8.650 (4.3 D)

Vanesa Masova CZE FX: I think she opened with a front layout full. 11.200 (4.0 D)

Natalie Jensen DEN UB: Clear hip to toe-on to toe shoot, blind full with some leg form, blind change to front giant half, layout dismount, stuck. 9.650 (2.7 D)

4:40 am. Hannah Lassen DEN UB: Clear hip to toe-on (a bit arched) to toe shoot, layout dismount with a couple of steps. 9.650 (2.0 D)

4:38 am. Going into the touch for Romania on vault, Denmark on bars, Iceland on beam, and the Czech Republic on floor.

4:36 am. July Marano ITA BB: Front aerial, off on her flight series after. Hit a few elements after that, then a side aerial, 1.5 dismount with a hop forward. 11.550 (4.6 D)

Ruby Evans GBR FX: Nice double layout to start! Front layout to…front full? Could have been a double full but I wasn’t counting properly. 1.5 to front layout with a hop. Clean stuck double tuck. Fab! And such a fun routine, too. 12.100 (4.7 D)

4:35 am. Athanasia Mesiri GRE UB: I saw some of her touch routine and she looked really good. Clear hip to nice big Tkachev, Pak was lovely in the air but she bent her legs when she caught and they brushed the mat. Toe shoot, nice handstand out of the kip after, blind change to front half, blind full was a little late, clean layout dismount with a step. 10.150 (4.0 D)

4:33 am. Abi Martin GBR FX: Tucked full-in with a step. Hop L turn through to switch half, good. Step back on the arabian double front but so much power there! Front through to double tuck, and a double pike to finish, she has power for days. Love her! 12.450 (5.0 D)

Melina Gousiou GRE UB: I missed the beginning, toe-on to stalder to toe shoot was nice but caught the latter close. Layout dismount with a small hop. 9.750 (1.5 D)

4:32 am. Martina Pieratti ITA BB: I didn’t see her mount but it got applause. Hit a leap then a double wolf turn. Switch leap to split leap was nice. I think a side aerial to back handspring for her acro series, front aerial with a step forward, attempt at a switch ring but not quite there. Hit the dismount! 12.550 (4.9 D)

4:29 am. Arianna Grillo ITA BB: Split leap mount, nice. Side aerial was clean. Leg up on the end of the bhs bhs loso but good save. Switch leap. Solid on the double full dismount. 12.550 (4.8 D)

Evie Flage-Donovan GBR FX: Double pike, ugh, sat it. Front layout to front full, hit. Some great choreo moments. Double full at the end, chest down. 10.950 (4.3 D)

Maria Veletzeki GRE UB: Toe full was really late and her legs fell apart, didn’t come off though! Maloney to Pak, toe shoot, really far in her rotation on the Jaeger and she falls. She has potential! Just things to clean up. Blind change to piked Jaeger, gets it this time. Missed the blind change and had to do it again. Layout dismount. Good composure after her mistakes which is nice to see. 9.200 (4.4 D)

4:26 am. Cool, so we got that ad about 7 million times over the past seven minutes, and now get to watch the touch for rotation two! Greece starts on bars, Italy on beam, and Great Britain on floor here.

4:24 am. Sara Jacobsen DEN VT: Ad is still going but looks like she hit her Yurchenko 1.5! 13.450 (4.6 D)

4:18 am. Amalia Ghigoarta ROU FX: Double tuck, good. Double full with a bounce. Her music is “America” from West Side Story. Kinda stumbled on a Y turn. Stream stopped there for the ad which we’re getting a million times in a row again so I’m going to set my entire building on fire. 12.600 (4.7 D)

Natalia Runarsdottir ISL UB: Hit routine! Some weaknesses throughout but good job getting through. 7.150 (2.6 D)

Natalie Jensen DEN VT: Looked like she crashed the FTY, didn’t see the entry but saw her drop to her hands and knees. 12.200 (4.6 D)

She hit her second vault. 11.700 (3.2 D)

4:16 am. Alice Vlkova CZE BB: Switch to straddle jump, good! Double wolf turn I think after that. Switch side. Really nice punch front! She’s killing it. Front layout full dismount. Good job! 12.200 (4.6 D)

4:15 am. Amalia Puflea ROU FX: The ad finally stopped! Nice double layout to start. Full-in with a hop back. Tour jeté half. Very strong double tuck. Double wolf turn. Double pike, stuck. Ooh, she looks GREAT. 13.000 (5.1 D)

Ragnheidur Johannsdottir ISL UB: I missed this. 6.350 (2.5 D)

Sona Artamonova CZE BB: I missed this as well. 12.800 (4.8 D)

4:14 am. Hannah Lassen DEN VT: Didn’t see this (the ad is still playing) but she got a 12.050 (3.4 D)

4:10 am. Arna Birgisdottir ISL UB: Toe-on to toe shoot, messy and late blind full, tucked toe front half dismount. 7.000 (1.4 D)

Vanesa Masova CZE BB: Split leap mount, check on the bhs loso. Front aerial. 11.000 (4.9 D)

Sabrina Voinea ROU FX: Good full-in to start. Did a front tuck through to something but then the ad came on MULTIPLE TIMES. Would I rather see this ad 100 times in a row, or have it freeze on the last frame for 10 minutes like it did yesterday? I can’t wait to find out which enrages me more! 12.650 (4.9 D)

4:09 am. Touch for the second half! Denmark on vault, Iceland on bars, Czech Republic on beam, Romania on floor.

4:07 am. Evie Flage-Donovan GBR BB: Switch leap to split leap, nice split on both. Bhs loso, some bent knees but solid. Lovely double spin. Tour jeté, little check. Side aerial was good. 1.5 with a hop. 12.300 (4.8 D)

Scoring is SO tough right now. I’ll be very mad if it doesn’t stay like this throughout the day. I feel like MAG got progressively looser after the first subdivision.

4:05 am. Athanasia Mesiri GRE VT: Yurchenko layout, actually looked really strong compared to the other two. Hop back. 12.550 (3.6 D)

Martina Pieratti ITA UB: Nice handstand before the inbar full, another good handstand before the van Leeuwen, inbar half to piked Jaeger, nice. Maybe a little low. Pak was very clean, she’s gorgeouuuus. Maloney to Tkachev, a bit low, and then she’s short on a handstand before the dismount, a double pike with a small hop. 13.250 (5.6 D)

4:04 am. Abi Martin GBR BB: Caught it from the full turn, god beam is so far away, I know I’m gonna keep missing it when they start over there. Good side aerial, maybe a tiny check. Big double pike! Lunge back. 11.700 (4.9 D)

4:02 am. Maria Veletzeki GRE VT: Looked like a Yurchenko tuck or layout, I truly could not tell from this far away. Hit it with a step OOB. 11.250 (3.0 D)

July Marano ITA UB: Maloney to Pak, clean. Looked like a stalder half before a toe-on to toe shoot, really low Tkachev, some ankle separation in a blind change, blind full, and then Satan’s ad popped up before her dismount. 12.050 (4.7 D)

4:01 am. Arianna Grillo ITA UB: Front giant before a piked Jaeger, nice. Straddleback, toe-on to clear hip to toe shoot, some nice handstands down there on the low bar. Blind full, then giants into her double pike dismount, hop forward. 11.350 (4.2 D)

Ruby Evans GBR BB: I caught it from the double spin, which went well. Break at the hips on a front aerial but good save. Hit the dismount, looked like a 1.5. 10.800 (4.5 D)

4:00 am. Melina Gousiou GRE VT: She went before I was ready but hit, so we’re off to a great start. 11.800 (3.2 D)

3:57 am. The stream is working, I’m like the only person in the world with access to Smart Scoring right now and am terrified to close my browser, let’s GO!