Welcome to the live blog for subdivision five of women’s qualifications at the 2020 Olympic Games, held in Tokyo, Japan!
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9:57 pm. Team Standings
1. Russia 171.629
2. United States 170.562
3. China 166.863
4. France 164.561
5. Belgium 164.195
6. Great Britain 163.396
7. Italy 163.330
8. Japan 162.662
9. Germany 161.162
10. Canada 160.964
11. Netherlands 160.263
12. Spain 157.128
All-Around Standings
1. Simone Biles USA 57.731
2. Rebeca Andrade BRA 57.399
3. Sunisa Lee USA 57.166
4. Angelina Melnikova RUS 57.132
5. Vladislava Urazova RUS 57.099
6. Viktoria Listunova RUS 56.932
7. Nina Derwael BEL 56.598
8. Tang Xijing CHN 56.432
9. Jade Carey USA 56.265
10. Mélanie De Jesus Dos Santos FRA 55.431
11. MyKayla Skinner USA 55.398
12. Jessica Gadirova GBR 55.199
9:56 pm. Belgium qualifies to the team final in fifth place. Prior to this, the team’s best finish was 11th. In 1948. Belgium’s first Olympics ever.
9:55 pm. Rebeca Andrade BRA UB: A little late on the stalder full, lovely piked Tkachev to Pak, big van Leeuwen, blind change to piked Jaeger, toe full to full-in stuck!!!
9:50 pm. Yeo Seo-jeong KOR FX: Double layout, 2.5 to front full, double tuck with a hop back. Stumbles back the double pike.
Mandy Mohamed EGY UB: Legs came apart in a handstand and she had to hop off. Caught a release when she got back on and hit the dismount.
9:48 pm. Maellyse Brassart BEL BB: Switch to switch half, back tuck, side aerial, check, great layout series, switch ring, hit the dismount. Fantastic!
9:47 pm. Zeina Ibrahim EGY UB: Clear hip half to straddle Jaeger, bail, toe-on to toe shoot, double layout with a little hop, good!
9:45 pm. Lisa Vaelen BEL BB: Hit the mount, side somi, wobble on the punch front, step to the side on the dismount.
Lee Yun-seo KOR FX: Piked full-in, hop back. Double full good. Hop back on the double pike.
9:43 pm. Hanna Traukova BLR UB: Straddle Jaeger, bail to toe full, hit the dismount.
Sarah Voss GER VT: DTY comes up very short, big stumble forward.
9:41 pm. Jutta Verkest BEL BB: Lovely bhs loso. Switch to split ring leap, check at the hips. The rest was very nice!
Zsofia Kovacs HUN FX: Double layout and full-in both good! Switch to tour jeté half. Good double tuck with a hop back.
Elisabeth Seitz GER VT: Hit the DTY!!
9:40 pm. Jonna Adlerteg SWE UB: I jumped into this too late to type but this was a BEAUTIFUL routine!!!
Pauline Schäfer GER VT: Hit a handspring front layout half with a hop back.
9:37 pm. Nina Derwael BEL BB: Lovely back handspring mount, switch leap to split ring leap, excellent. Front aerial. Side somi with a little check. Tick tock down to a wolf turn position, triple wolf turn is clean, another wolf turn after that, gainer full dismount. Incredible!
Kim Bui GER VT: Big FTY!
Alexa Moreno MEX FX: Double double with a hop back. Double layout excellent! Arabian double front, stumbled a little. Double pike with a stumble back.
9:34 pm. Rotation 3 Subdivision
1. Simone Biles USA 43.665
2. Angelina Melnikova RUS 43.399
— Jade Carey USA 43.399
4. Rebeca Andrade BRA 43.199
5. Vladislava Urazova RUS 43.099
6. Tang Xijing CHN 43.066
— Viktoria Listunova RUS 43.066
8. Sunisa Lee USA 42.966
9:29 pm. Yeo Seo-jeong KOR BB: Wolf turn, 2.5 turns, then a double, a little iffy, then off on her bhs loso loso. Side aerial. Switch to switch half. Punch front to split jump. Came off again after that. Hit the dismount.
9:26 pm. Kim Bui GER FX: Double wolf turn. Split jump full. Double tuck with a hop back. 2.5 to punch front. Double pike with a hop.
9:24 pm. Lee Yun-seo KOR BB: Split leap to front aerial to jump series. The rest was lovely, step forward out of the 2.5 dismount.
9:23 pm. Nina Derwael BEL UB: Nabieva, Downie, Derwael-Fenton to Ezhova to Chow to Pak to van Leeuwen, very good. Hit the pirouette into the full-in dismount. Great!
9:22 pm. Pauline Schäfer GER FX: Double front. Triple turn to a double, nice. Front double full, good. Also hit a front full. Split ring leap, back leg isn’t there, into a switch ring I think. Good work!
Zeina Ibrahim EGY VT: FTY, not a ton of distance, but not bad.
9:21 pm. Jutta Verkest BEL UB: Piked jaeger Tkachev half (I didn’t see the entry so that’s vague) to Ezhova, transitions up and down, saw the Pak, then van Leeuwen, good on both, double tuck dismount, good routine!
9:20 pm. Mandy Mohamed EGY VT: FTY, big hop back.
9:17 pm. Sarah Voss GER FX: Her walk out onto the floor was SO dramatic. Hop on the 1.5 to front full. 2.5 to front layout. Comes up short on the double pike. Clean double full.
Zsofia Kovacs HUN BB: Hit a leap into a Korbut, also solid on her flight series, stuck the double tuck!
Lisa Vaelen BEL UB: Chow half, blind change to piked Jaeger, caught a Tkachev to Pak as well, and hit the dismount.
Hanna Traukova BLR VT: Yurchenko layout.
9:16 pm. Rebeca Andrade BRA VT: Big GORGEOUS Cheng!!!!! WOW. DTY second vault also excellent.
9:14 pm. Alexa Moreno MEX BB: Punch front and flight series both great. Ugh, off on her side somi. Hit the dismount.
Elisabeth Seitz GER FX: Arabian double front, 1.5 through to double tuck with a hop back. Double pike, good.
Maellyse Brassart BEL UB: Blind full, blind change to big piked Jaeger, clear hip to Pak, tucked toe front half. Good routine!
9:12 pm. Getting into the third subdivision shortly!
9:06 pm. Mandy Mohamed EGY FX: Whip to double tuck. Front full at the end was good!
9:05 pm. Lee Yun-seo KOR UB: Maloney to Pak to Chow half, inbar half to piked Jaeger, blind half, stader full into her full-in dismount. Fabulous!
9:02 pm. Hanna Traukova BLR FX: Dobule pike solid. Really cowboyed double tuck, doesn’t pull it around fast enough and sits it. Switch ring. Front layout.
Kim Bui GER BB: Layout mount, bhs loso, legs apart on both, side aerial with a check, good jump series. Full turn. Straight jump 1.5, switch to switch half, gainer layout dismount. Kim Bui, the beam savior of Germany!
9:00 pm. Zsofia Kovacs HUN UB: Toe full to Chow half, nice handstand before the inbar half to piked Jaeger, Ricna, Downie to Pak, van Leeuwen, full-in with a step. Great!
8:57 pm. Pauline Schäfer GER BB: Hit her mount. The rest good so far, wobbled on one thing that I saw, side aerial series. Hit the dismount.
Rebeca Andrade BRA FX: Front through to full-in, stuck cold. Full-twisting double layout also strong, and stuck the double layout on her toes. Good double pike to finish.
Alexa Moreno MEX UB: Hit everything I saw, a little loose in some of her form.
Lisa Vaelen BEL VT: Handspring front pike, weird that she’d do an easy vault when she’s basically here to vault?? She normally has a half out of it at least.
8:53 pm. Flavia Saraiva BRA FX: Whip to full-in with a step. The rest went well but then on the double pike, she looks like she did something to her ankle, sits down for a minute, then steps up to salute and starts limping off, coach helps her.
Maellyse Brassart BEL VT: DTY, a little buckled on the landing.
Sarah Voss GER BB: Came off early in the routine but hit the rest.
Julie Erichsen NOR UB: UGH, I missed this!!!
8:52 pm. Yeo Seo-jeong KOR UB: Toe-on to blind change to piked Jaeger, good. Caught a release to a Pak after that, toe shoot, hit the dismount.
Nina Derwael BEL VT: Yurchenko 1.5, step forward, form in the air was mostly tight, just bends her knees a little.
8:50 pm. Elisabeth Seitz GER BB: Switch leap mount, punch front, back handspring, balked the series, interesting, side somi, double spin, switch leap, side aerial, front full dismount stuck. So I didn’t see her make up the missed series, unless I’m losing my mind??
Zeina Ibrahim EGY FX: Double pike with a hop back. Switch to switch full. Hop back on the double full. Front layout.
Jutta Verkest BEL VT: Clean FTY with a hop back.
8:47 pm. Going into the second rotation soon!
8:40 pm. Hanna Traukova BLR BB: Check on the punch front mount. Switch leap, wobble. Split leap into another jump. Good on the bhs loso. Wobbles out of the side aerial. Side somi with a check. Finishes her 1.5 wolf turn in a squat. Front layout full dismount.
8:38 pm. Rebeca Andrade BRA BB: Split leap mount, switch half, break at the hips on her bhs loso, front aerial to split jump mount to back handspring, transverse split jump half, wobble out of the switch ring, side aerial, split leap to sissone, full turn, wobble, double pike with a step.
8:37 pm. Zsofia Kovacs HUN VT: I missed this, looks like she hit a good DTY! 14.5
8:36 pm. Kim Bui GER UB: I missed the beginning, saw she caught her Pak and van Leeuwen, toe full to Gienger, double pike with a couple steps back.
8:33 pm. Lisa Vaelen BEL FX: Arabian double front, step forward. Tucked full-in with a step back. Clean double tuck with a step. Wonderful job!
Flavia Saraiva BRA BB: Back handspring mount, solid roundoff layout, full turn, switch to sissone, excellent bhs loso loso, front aerial into a jump into a back handspring, good connections, side somi with a wobble, split ring leap, excellent double pike!
8:32 pm. Elisabeth Seitz GER UB: Maloney to Ricna, good, blind change to piked Jaeger, Downie to Pak, super clean, van Leeuwen, some little foot form deductions, toe full to full-in, came off a bit low but got the landing!
8:31 pm. Alexa Moreno MEX VT: Second vault is a tsuk double full, step to the side on the landing, some leg form in the air.
8:29 pm. Nina Derwael BEL FX: Two steps back on the double tuck. Hops out of the 1.5 to front full. Swtich ring to split leap. Lovely performance.
Alexa Moreno MEX VT: Also does a rudi, and it looks pretty good! Could be a little tighter but solid overall.
8:25 pm. Jutta Verkest BEL FX: A full-in to start, the double tuck was also very clean.
Mandy Mohamed EGY BB: Gorgeous black leo, I wish I could see detail from here. Sparkles for days. Hit the mount, off on her bhs loso, big wobble on the side somi. Side aerial good.
Pauline Schäfer GER UB: Caught it from the toe shoot, clear hip to big Gienger, missed the release after that. Looks like she tries again, piked jaeger, tucked toe front half with a step.
Yeo Seo-jeong KOR VT: Beautiful handspring rudi! I think the Korean guys are in the crowd, she got a ton of applause for that. Second is a DTY, excellent landing!
8:24 pm. Lee Yun-seo KOR VT: FTY with a little hop back, some pike in the air.
8:23 pm. Maellyse Brassart BEL FX: Tucked full-in, hit. Front full with a step. Good double tuck.
Zeina Ibrahim EGY BB: Got her first wolf turn, I think a triple, and looked like she almost had the second but then fell. Hit her leap series. Side aerial loso with a big wobble but holds on.
Sarah Voss GER UB: Van Leeuwen, toe full a little arched, back tuck out of a handstand for the dismount.
8:22 pm. I am SO TIRED. Let’s go!