A week after members of the Planning and Zoning Commission denied a request by Midland-Odessa Golf Corp. for initial zoning on a tract that is part of Nueva Vista Golf Course, the company has withdrawn the request.
The company had requested an initial zoning of SF-1, Single Family district, for the 21.9-acre tract bordering Homeland Drive and Homestead Boulevard. An initial zoning designation is required as part of the process to annex that acreage into city limits. The city sent out notices that the company is not appearing before the City Council on March 23 to appeal the denial.
The city also sent notices that the company will not appear before the Planning and Zoning Commission on March 15 with a request to turn the portion of Nueva Vista that is within city limits into a master planned development.
The plan was not popular with those residing near the golf course, with more than 20 percent within the 200-foot notification radius expressing opposition. That would have required three-fourths of the City Council to approve the plan.
Addressing the Planning and Zoning Commission at its March 1 meeting for an hour, opponents expressed their desire to see Nueva Vista remain a golf course as well as concerns about property values, increased traffic and concerns about dirt and debris from construction.