April is gearing up for numerous golf events, everything from the 9 Hole Spring Match to signup for Chapman No. 1.
APRIL HAPPENINGS: Men’s Club Wednesday – Friday Play: First signup starts March 31. Play first round on April 7. Signup for 9 Hole Spring Match Play: April 7. Greens aerated on April 5 and 6 means the course is closed. Signup for Chapman No. 1: April 7 – April 28. SMGC Board Meeting: April 6 via a Zoom call.
ST. PATRICKS OPEN RESULTS (The Top 12): 92 players turned out for a great day of golf. All 92 shared in the awards, however, only 22 made it to the green on No. 9 to get into the Irish Sweepstakes competition. As always there was a hint of green to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. 1st: B Kelley, E Stern, J and R Knutson. 2nd: M Mansfield, K Nelson, C Pitre and R Walloch. Tie 3rd: R Nash, M Scott, N Buchanan, and J Allen; L McCall, J Massaro, C and J Baldwin. Tie 5th: E and D Madden, B and B Miller; J and G Heintz, S Comstock and H Peterson. Tie 7th: J and B Meek, S Brewer and P Shute; J Beck, D Jordan, L Gray and D Stuck. 9th: C Riggs, M Cook, M and R Reeves. 10th: JJ Gatticcio, J Kammann, S Nelsen and K Rose. Tie 11th: C Hargis, J Knudson-Martin, J and B Primrose; J Mathews, P Howard, E Stanley and W Hadden.Womens KP No. 9: R Nash. Men’s KP No. 7: E Stanley.
SPRING AND SUMMER PLAY: Spring and summer Men’s Club play begins on April 7. Signup forms will be available on the table in front of the Pro Shop on March 31. Signup as a team or as an individual. If you don’t have a team, you will be placed on a team that has an open spot.
WELCOME NEW MEMBERS: Mel Scott announced we have six new members: Stephen Blake, Chuck Coiner, Richard Cruse, Lee Emery, Tom Maguire and Ron Young.
CHANGE IN REPSONSIBLITY FOR MARSHALS: Finding marshals has always been a challenge, and after several meetings between the SCA Board and Rob, it was decided to turn the responsibility for the marshals program over to the Pro Shop and Rob. For more details, and if you are interested on becoming a marshal, please contact Rob.
AN ANCIENT SAYING FROM IRISH GOLFLORE: It was rumored that a leprechaun left this old message found on the 9th green during the St. Patrick’s Day tournament. “May you always have a golf club in your hands. May the sun shine bright when you play golf. May your golf ball follow the rainbow onto the green. May your putts always find the cup of gold”.
— Submitted by Ken Rose, Summerfield Men’s Golf
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