The O’Neill Center, 333 Fourth St., would like to thank students in John Fazio’s business class at Marietta College for selecting us as one of the nonprofits to work with for their senior capstone project. The business students partnered with the Marietta College Golf Association to hold a benefit golf outing on April 24 at the Golf Club of West Virginia. The event was well attended and brought in more than $800 for the O’Neill Center, which will go toward our portion of a required 20% van match to procure a replacement modified minivan through the Ohio Department of Transportation.
The students were able to secure sponsorships from Over the Moon Pizza, the Town House, Black’s Tree Service and James Knobloch Petroleum Consultants. Danny Hiser with MCGA helped to set up the event.
The O’Neill Center would also like to thank Solvay and the Marietta Community Foundation for a $1,000 donation toward the van match. We have a fleet of vehicles that are used in our Medical Transportation services to take the community’s seniors to and from necessary medical appointments. When a vehicle needs to be retired due to mileage and age, we apply for a grant through ODOT that will allow us to replace the vehicle. This year we are looking to raise at least $8,000 for our portion of the van match.
If you would like to learn how you can contribute to help keep these vital services running smoothly, please reach out by calling 740-373-3914.
Erin O’Neill
Development Coordinator
O’Neill Center
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