Lydia Ko discusses #StopAsianHate movement

Two-time major champion Lydia Ko joined Amy Rogers and Adam Stanley on Episode 5 of “The Amy and Adam Show.” The 2016 ANA Inspiration champion discussed competing in this week’s major championship and working with Sean Foley.

The Korean-born 23-year-old also talked about why she recently took to social media to discuss the rise in anti-Asian sentiment and hate crimes in the United States, and what it’s like being an Asian women.

“I think it’s just, right now, with COVID, it’s tough. People have been away from life being normal. Our lives have been turned upside down,” she said on the podcast. “I think, especially during COVID times like this, we need to be uniting and not hating each other or judging other people just by the way they look. The core in everything in us is the same.

“Especially with my Asian background, I’m very proud to be born in South Korea and there are so many Korean players on tour that have motivated me, and I’ve really looked up to them, and I just hope that one day there is no discrimination. You don’t have to like every single person but the more love we have the better we are as people and I think it’s just the way to go to be united.”

Listen to the full podcast below:

Listen to “The Amy & Adam Show – Episode 5 (Lydia Ko, ANA Inspiration preview)” on Spreaker.