Golf benefit for veterans operates from Arizona Traditions

Operation Enduring Gratitude recntly announced its inaugural “Golfing with Gratitude” event at Traditions Golf Course, 17225 W. Bell Road in Surprise, on Saturday, April 17.

Operation Enduring Gratitude is a volunteer organization working with Veterans and their families to restore their homes. This particular event will raise funds to rebuild the home of a Navy Veteran’s elderly widow.

Registration is at 6:30 a.m. April 17 with tee off at 7:30. The tournament will offer several levels of sponsorships with room for 144 golfers. Sponsorship starts at $250.

The price for a single golfer is just $125, which includes a “swag bucket” from donors.

Find information about OEG and Golfing with Gratitude at Or email, or call 623-330-3622 for information or sponsorship opportunities.