Operation Enduring Gratitude recntly announced its inaugural “Golfing with Gratitude” event at Traditions Golf Course, 17225 W. Bell Road in Surprise, on Saturday, April 17.
Operation Enduring Gratitude is a volunteer organization working with Veterans and their families to restore their homes. This particular event will raise funds to rebuild the home of a Navy Veteran’s elderly widow.
Registration is at 6:30 a.m. April 17 with tee off at 7:30. The tournament will offer several levels of sponsorships with room for 144 golfers. Sponsorship starts at $250.
The price for a single golfer is just $125, which includes a “swag bucket” from donors.
Find information about OEG and Golfing with Gratitude at OEGAZ.org. Or email alan.gaugert@operatinenduringgratitude.com, or call 623-330-3622 for information or sponsorship opportunities.