Ruben Loftus-Cheek taking chances and has earned another start – Talk Chelsea


Ruben Loftus-Cheek has been showing his other Chelsea fringe players exactly how you take your chances when given them.

The England international is finally showing signs of being back to his best, and the rest of our midfielders should be afraid, because Ruben is hungry, and he is knocking hard on the door of Thomas Tuchel for a deserved starting place in the line up.

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I believe he has earned the right to start either one of the next two matches, and if he doesn’t then he can feel hard done by. But he does need to continue showing this form and this desire, because he has been excellent.

In the Carabao Cup in the week he was our best player on the pitch and bossed the middle for The Blues. It was peak Loftus-Cheek and reminded me of the way he bossed the midfield for England in the 2018 World Cup before his serious injury.

But now he is playing with confidence again as well as swagger, and he might just be exactly what Tuchel is looking for, a different option in the middle, one who is more physical, calm on the ball, and can change a game in an instant.

If you want to break into this Chelsea team you have to do exactly what Ruben has done in his few chances he has been given in recent games, you have to show up, and not only show up, stand out. That is exactly what he is doing.

He has also proven that he CAN be a very good option in the 6 role and the double 6 role, which will only increase his chances of more regular game time. But to see Ruben ball, and I mean really ball, he must play as a box-to-box number 8. This 3-5-2 formation Tuchel has trying out suits him down to the ground.

I’m sure that Tuchel will be taking all this into account with his next two starting line ups this week against Juventus, then Southampton at the weekend.

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