In case you have not yet seen, a group of Chelsea fans have come together to organise a peaceful protest this Saturday at 12pm before the Brentford match at Stamford Bridge.
The protest is against the fact that The Ricketts family, who are trying to buy Chelsea FC, are even in the equation let alone shortlisted. There are so many things collectively against them and what they have done/how they’ve operated, it’s made them collectively disliked by most of the fanbase.
You don’t have to do too much research to find various articles online detailing how they’ve operated as a sporting group, as well as all the dodgy and racist stuff various family members have said.
I think now is a good time to peacefully protest. I’m not sure people are really taking onboard the severity of this. Chelsea’s Muslim players such as Antonio Rudiger and Hakim Ziyech, will they really stay at this club under Ricketts? I’m not so sure.
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This is just one of the many reasons why I think we need to protest to make our voices heard now after the #NoToRicketts campaign also making a positive impact.
But why am I seeing a civil war amongst Chelsea fans on Twitter over this protest? Because some people don’t like one or two people who have organised it? Why? Because they are ‘influencers’? Or because they are not match-going fans? I have no idea. These are genuine questions… Or you just don’t like an individual person behind it? Are we at school still?
I just think that we should all be pulling together in the same direction with this and it’s completely irrelevant who has started the campaign. The Ricketts Family should be nowhere near this club and it is up to us as fans to at least try and do something about it.
The club belongs to the fans in my opinion. No fans, no club. So, we DO have a say, and we will be heard. So instead of moaning and bitching about who is starting the protests and who is backing them, let’s just all get on board and fight for the club and our future, no? Do it for yourselves not for anyone else. Or if you don’t want to protest and don’t agree with them, that’s also fine, nobody is forcing anything on anyone.
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