Lewis Hamilton won’t decide teammate contrary to ones belief

Lewis Hamilton isn’t a soothsayer who can predict how bad can climate change hurt the planet in 2045. Lewis Hamilton cannot beat Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg in Hollywood much like neither can defeat the seven-time world champion on the track. Moreover, Lewis Hamilton is not getting an island or astroid named after him. Okay, we’ve to agree the last one went a bit too far. Yet, truth certainly is, much like different spheres in life, there are some popular myths that have been vaguely constructed in the world of Formula 1. And among them is this big myth:

Lewis Hamilton decides his own teammates!

Hell, no! He doesn’t. What Lewis Hamilton does decide, at the end of the day, is how best might he/ can he perform out there on the track. What rests absolutely in his ambit of decision is the level of performance he can eek out of his mortal self and the extent to which he can push his incredible Mercedes car in order to reach a level of dominance that is both subjected to envy as well as inspiration.

What Lewis Hamilton certainly doesn’t do is to give feedbacks on various spheres concerning the car’s improvement.

How and where can Mercedes improve, a team that have led the turbo-hybrid era of Formula 1 exhibiting iron-fisted dominance having also hugely benefitted from Hamilton’s great consistency, is what the great Briton offers and does so, unabashedly.

But contrary to popular belief of some vain critics who do engage in Lewis-bashing more often than do in mindful discussions off the grid and on the sport, they so claim to love, Hamilton doesn’t enjoy the ‘pleasure’ of dominating who gets to be his teammate: and who doesn’t.

That being said, there came some explanation from the side of the side who stated in no uncertain terms that the 2020 world champion was, in no way, trying to ‘influence’ the future teammate discussion.

So this now brings us to the potent question. What is going to happen in the Mercedes camp and what words were exchanged by the key Mercedes source to the media over Hamilton and the decision regarding a future teammate to the Stevenage-born mega talent?

Well, let us find out here:

“We have to put our heads together in Brackley and discuss the matter with Mercedes in order to work out what our future driver pairing should look like,” he told Motorsport-Total.com.

“We will come together over the summer, reach a decision then decide how we want to communicate this,” the source shared.

Furthermore, the following information came to light with regards to Lewis Hamilton and his future teammate discussion:

“Lewis is okay with both scenarios,” said the Austrian, “and he understands the pros and cons that speak for Valtteri and George. Lewis has never tried to influence the decision and he has no preference as to who should be in the car. He likes the relationship with Valtteri, and we know it too. But he never said that he would like this or that best.”