This student just secured THREE pentakills in a collegiate UK League of Legends match

Getting one pentakill in League of Legends as a casual player is an achievement to be proud of, but getting three – in a single match – is almost unheard of.

But that was the case for Klatisada – a jungler playing for team ‘Sandstorm Red’ representing Cheshire College South and West (CCSW) in the British Esports Student Championships yesterday afternoon. A pentakill is of course when a player secures five kills in short succession.

The student was playing as Viego against the NWSLC Monkeys from North Warwickshire & South Leicestershire College, and a string of early ganks helped him snowball to become a true King in the North (on both the Rift and in the UK)!

Sandstorm Red picked up the win with 38 kills to 7 and a gold lead of almost 20k within half an hour.

Granted, this is a lower elo division 2 match in the British Esports Student Champs, and Cheshire’s players were a mix of bronze to gold, with Klatisada almost Platinum, while NWSLC Monkeys were a mix of unranked, iron and bronze players, so do bear that in mind here.

Before you label Klatisada a smurf, he was the highest elo player in the match at Gold 1, and has a winrate of 48% this season. However, it does look like a relatively new account, with no ranked stats according to data-tracking platform OPGG before the 2022 League of Legends season.

Caster RoryB told Esports News UK: “My gut reaction is they’re not a smurf – they played like a plat player in a gold/silver game which could just be a natural skill level for a normals-only player.

“Stats-wise, the speed of the pentas were 33.5 seconds, 37.4 seconds and 9.5 seconds respectively and all occurred between 20 and 27 minutes. Klatisada on the quest for their pentas spent 41 seconds underneath or behind enemy towers.

“Viego also doesn’t get pentas as commonly as many think, ranking 28th behind champs such as Irelia and Gangplank and the majority of the AD marksman roster. Also, let’s not take any of the success away from the other Sandstorm players, who played very well, and ther was a very fed Vex on the NWSLC Monkeys.”

“Klatisada is the best jungler in division 2, not because he got three pentakills, but because he gets kills early and ganks with proactivity and awareness. Plus his mechanics are pretty much on point.”

Milky Cereal, caster

Fellow caster, Milky Cereal, added after the match: “Klatisada is the best jungler in division 2, not because he got pentakills, but because he got a kill in the top-lane early, and a gank in the bottom lane with proactivity and awareness… plus his mechanics were pretty much on point as well in this game.”

Host and caster Giniro commented: “He just smurfed out of his mind! The third pentakill was beautifully executed, you had that wombo combo with the Ashe arrow hitting, the Shurima Shuffle putting them all together and the Viego just diving right in. It was just like magic, really.”

Klatisada of course received the MVP (most valuable player) award from the casters.

Elliot Bond, head of broadcast and events at the British Esports Association, also told Esports News UK that both teams went into this match with the same number of wins and losses from the Winter 2021 Season, and their results had placed them both into Division 2 of the Spring 2022 Season.

Esports News UK also reached out to Klatisada and to the college’s teacher for more quotes, and we’ll update this article as we hear back from them.

There are more highlights from British Esports’ LoL matches this week here:

Related article: Viego’s viability in competitive play: Lucent Esports’ former UKLC top-laner Sotsy shared his views on the LoL champion last summer