Badminton England sets out player development system review plan

As previously communicated, Badminton England is conducting a major review of England’s player development system. This work forms a key part of the organisation’s ongoing strategic planning. Following thorough consideration by Badminton England’s Board and its specialist Advisory Panels, the detailed terms of reference and scope for the System Review have now been finalised to allow work to begin.

The System Review will look at each stage of a player’s journey from grassroots through to podium as we seek to ensure there is a clear pathway through our sport. This will require the creation of a connected system that at every stage is cooperative and collaborative and that is informed by the latest approaches and principles from across the world. This should give every player, regardless of background or personal circumstance, the opportunity to be the best they can be.

The aim is to:

  • raise the overall strength and depth of competitive badminton across the country, which in turn will
  • maximise performance potential to deliver medal success at the pinnacle of our sport.

The first phase of the work will gather data and information that helps build a clear picture of the current ‘state of play’ in England, analysing trends and providing a snapshot of current performance to guide future discussion. It will also gather insight on systems in other countries for comparison.

This process will provide an exceptional level of objective insight to help inform the most important part of the process: consultation with expert stakeholders. This part of the System Review will consult, through both interview and survey, far and wide across the sport domestically and internationally. It will also tap into expertise from outside of our sport where we feel it could benefit the process.

The timeline for the System Review is ambitious, with a target to begin considering recommendations from June 2022. However, given the importance of the Review, which will influence the system of developing players for decades to follow, the priority will be on the quality and thoroughness of the work and so the timeline will be kept under constant review.