Socialing the Distance, featuring Jack Fleming, CEO of Boston Athletics Association

RunBlogRun presents

Socializing The Distance

with Larry Eder

Featuring Jack Fleming,

Acting CEO of Boston Athletics Association

Jack Fleming, CEO of BAA, photo courtesy of Boston Athletics Association

I have had the pleasure of knowing Jack Fleming for three-plus decades. I have watched him move up from USATF New England, working with the energetic Steve Vaitones, to moving up in the ranks of the BAA. Jack Fleming loves what he does, loves the event, and realizes that he and the BAA are entrusted with the most iconic event in marathoning, the Boston Marathon.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Jack Fleming a couple of weeks ago. This is an important interview for anyone who loves the sport of marathoning.

Thanks to Jack Fleming for his time. Thanks to Mike Deering, the production manager at The Shoe Addicts, who manages all of our #SocialingtheDistance podcasts.

BAA on Twitter:

BAA on Instagram:

Boston Marathon Instagram:…

BAA website:


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