‘Motivated’ Wayde van Niekerk hungry for gold after 5th place finish at World Athletics champs

Wayde van Niekerk. (Photo by Hannah Peters/Getty Images for World Athletics)

Olympic medalist Wayde van Niekerk said he is as motivated as ever to get back to his best after his fifth place finish in the 400m final at the World Athletics Championship in Eugene, Oregon on Saturday.

Van Niekerk ran a time of 44.97 seconds at the event.

American Michael Norman won the final, but for Van Niekerk, there is light at the end of his injury tunnel.

“It’s been a massive journey. I’m extremely thankful for all the positive support and backing,” Van Niekerk wrote on his Twitter account.

“From continuous injuries, to doing light work just a few weeks ago and preventing any further harm to my body, to being the 5th fastest man over the 400m in the world and the fastest man in Africa. I feel more motivated and focused to get more than just a podium!!! We stay locked in for more and give God the glory in our wins and loses,” the world record-holder added.

Van Niekerk stole the show at the 2016 Rio Olympics when he broke a 17-year 400m world record. 

At last year’s Tokyo Olympics, Van Niekerk failed to defend his title and crashed out of the semi-finals in Japan.

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