Malaika Mihambo to compete LJ and 60m at ISTAF Indoor Berlin

Malaika Mihambo is one of the most popular athletes in our sport. In Germany, she is totally rock star. On Friday, February 4, she will compete in the 60m and long jump at ISTAF INDOOR Berlin.

Long jumpers are, per Carl Lewis, either sprinters who long jump, or long Jumpers who sprint.

Malaika Mihambo is very fast.

Malaika Mihambo, 2018 European Athletics Championships, photo by European Athletics


Malaika Mihambo, 2018 Birmingham DL, photo by Diamond League AG

BERLIN (GER): Malaika Mihambo explained why she has decided to compete in the long jump as well as the 60m at the ISTAF Indoor in Berlin, informs “Last year, the run-up was not as stable as desired. The focus is currently fully on the sprint technique but training is going really well. That’s why we decided to jump in Berlin after all,” she said. Her coach Uli Knapp said:”The training and the performance diagnostics were very promising.”


Malaika Mihambo, 2018 Birmingham DL, photo by Diamond League AG