Cyril Ramaphosa joins tribute to SA’s golden duo at Tokyo Paralympics

South Africa’s Ntando Mahlangu leaps to Paralympic gold in Tokyo with a world record


South Africans rejoiced on Saturday when para-athletes Anrune Weyers and Ntando Mahlangu captured gold for the country at the Tokyo Paralympic Games.

Mahlangu took gold in the long jump T63 final and set a new world record with a jump of 7.17m – edging out German Leon Schaefer’s 7.12.

Weyers won her 400m T45 final in a time of 56.05 cruising ahead of Venezuala’s Lisbeli Vera Andrade in second (57.32).

LIVE | Tokyo Paralympics – Team SA live coverage

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa congratulated Mahlangu and Weyers on their outstanding achievement in Tokyo.

The South African anthem rang twice in Tokyo as politicians, fellow sports stars and regular folk all paid homage to the duos incredible success on the track and field.

This follows the SA Olympic track and field team, who failed to reach the podium for the first time since readmission.

The SA Paralympics contingent has so far accumulated two medals with the Paralympics is set to conclude on 5 September.

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