2021 RunBlogRun, week # 6, Fall Cross Country Racing Season, Day 7

Long runs cure many ailments. I used to take my long runs to work on papers, paintings, or just chew the fat with friends. The long runs in the Santa Cruz mountains, off Summit Road were a big part of my college and post collegiate running days. Most of the runs would start out with Steve Wozniak (that Steve) a neighbor of my coach, who would ride along side us on his Vespa, as he went to grab a paper and perhaps a coffee at a little store on our course. The two lane roads had in frequent traffic so we could run, in a group of five to ten, and just relax.

The first ten miles was always gently down hill. Then, we would turn around the long grind back would begin. One could always tell the effort with me, as I went from long winded to short winded, meaning, few words, more grunts. As the sun came up, between the huge redwoods, I recall being fascinated with how old these trees were, and how the damp, cool weather always meant that our runs in the fall were quite comfortable.

Enjoy the run.

Brooks Adreneline GTS 20, photo by Mike Deering / The Shoe Addicts

Sunday: Long run, 75-90 minutes, at a conversational pace

2021 RunBlogRun, week # 6, Fall Cross Country Racing Season, Day 7

Monday: AM for advanced: 30-minute run

Main workout: light run, 45 minutes easy pace, stretch, 4 x 150 m stride-outs, light cooldown.

Tuesday: warm-up, 4 x 800m, 3k race pace, 4x400m, 2k race pace, 30 minutes, moderate pace, 4 x 200m stride outs, cooldown

Wednesday: AM for advanced: 30-minute run.

Main workout: light run, 45 minutes easy pace, stretch, 4 x 150 m light cooldown.

Thursday: warm-up, 3 miles (12 laps on the track), sprint straightaways, jog turns, 30 minutes easy, 6 x 150m, stride outs, 20 minute cooldown

Friday: Advanced athletes, take light AM 30 minute run.

Main workout: light run, 45 minutes easy pace, stretch, 4 x 150 m stride-outs, light cooldown.

Saturday: warm-up, Race 5k, 30 minutes, plus 4 x 150 meter stride outs, cooldown

Sunday: Long run, 75-90 minutes, at a conversational pace