SC East Bengal player Antonio Perosevic was on Tuesday handed a five-match ban and fined Rs 1 lakh by the All India Football Federation (AIFF) Disciplinary Committee for his “violent conduct towards a match official” during an Indian Super League match.
The incident happened during SC East Bengal’s match against NorthEast United FC here on December 17, when the Kolkata side lost 0-2.
“In the terms of the decision passed by the Disciplinary Committee on Tuesday, Perosevic has been informed that a ‘repeat violation may be met with more severe punishment’,” the ISL said in a statement.
“The player and the club have 10 days should they wish to lodge an appeal.”
The 29-year-old Croatian has already served his automatic one-match suspension and he is eligible for selection next against Hyderabad FC on January 24.
SC East Bengal are currently languishing at the bottom of the ISL table after suffering four defeats and four draws. The eight-match winless streak led to the sacking of head coach Jose Manuel Diaz midway into the ongoing season on Tuesday.
Former India captain and assistant coach Renedy Singh has taken charge as interim head coach of the side.