2022 European Youth Olympic Festival | MAG All-Around, Team Final Live Blog

Welcome to the live blog for the men’s all-around and team competition at the 2022 European Youth Olympic Festival, held in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia!

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9:09 am. Rotation five will have Israel on floor, Cyprus on pommels, Germany on rings, Greece on vault, Portugal on p-bars, and Norway on high bar.

9:07 am. Daniel Carrion ESP FX: Double double, good landing. Front full to front double full with a hop to the side. 2.5 with a small hop. Clean double full side pass, stuck. Triple full with a step back to finish. Well, that was great. 13.150 (4.6 D)

9:06 am. Davide Oppizzio ITA PB: He must have done most of his skills on the end we can’t see. I didn’t see anything! 13.100 (4.6 D)

9:05 am. Alvaro Giraldez ESP FX: Big lunge out of the first pass, second pass finished with a layout. Hand down on the third pass. Good landing on the double full at the end. 12.100 (4.5 D)

Paco Fernandes Henriques FRA SR: I only saw the dismount, a full-twisting double layout, stuck! 13.300 (4.7 D)

9:04 am. Riccardo Villa ITA PB: I’ll type what I CAN see. Nice handstand out of a pirouette, but then came up a little short on the latter. Good transition to the single rail. Good double front dismount! Small step.

9:03 am. Anthony Mansard FRA SR: Had small adjustment issues in some handstands, came in a little low on his dismount with a hop. 12.400

Tommaso Brugnami ITA PB: Didn’t see it but good score! 12.850 (4.1 D)

9:02 am. Daniel Bago CZE VT: Kaz full, looked good from here! 13.850 (4.8 D)

Can’t see Italy on p-bars at all.

8:59 am. Pablo Ruiz ESP FX: Front double full with a hop, randi had a weird step but he got it under control. Ooh, 2.5 side pass! Ballsy. Double front, deep with a hop. Double full with a hop at the end. 12.950 (5.0 D)

Daniel Kaplan CZE VT: Just a straight-up kaz, I think. Good landing.

Manoah Felicite FRA SR: Maltese through to pike hold, presses to handstand, arched over on a handstand after. Full-in dismount with a hop.

8:58 am. Spain on floor, Finland on pommels, France on rings, Czech Republic on vault, Italy on p-bars coming up next!

8:56 am. Daniel Mousichidis GER PH: Scissors to handstands go well, I’m like squinting into the corner of my screen trying to see his form but can’t really lol, maybe just a little piked on some circle elements? Flairs went over really nicely! Great into the dismount as well, hit routine. 13.400

Kyriakos Markidis CYP FX: Saw the second half of this, from a clean double full. Oh wait, that was the last pass. I tried. 12.950

8:54 am. Eliran Ioscovich ISR HB: Had a fall at some point. Back on for the full-twisting double layout, hop back there. 11.450

Jukka Nissinen GER PH: I think he hit? I didn’t see him come off at any point but pommels is kinda hard to follow (even now that we can see it). 11.800

8:53 am. Neofytos Savva CYP FX: I started watching this and then got distracted! 11.750

8:52 am. Dmytro Dotsenko ISR HB: Clear hip to handstand, layout Tkachev, nice! German giants to stalder, blind change to front giants, Tak, he swings pretty nicely, full-twisting double layout, stuck! Oh goodness, that was good stuff. 13.550 (4.5 D)

8:49 am. Dimitris Theodotou CYP FX: Double tuck with a lunge to start. Hit the next two passes. 11.800 (3.5 D)

Luis Lechaud POR VT: Kaz full with a hop back and to the side.

Maxim Kovalenko GER PH: Had a fall near the end, remounted to finish his travel sequence into his dismount, hit. 10.600 (4.3 D)

Ron Snir ISR HB: Straddle Tkachev, Tak, Endo, stalder, hop forward on the dismount. 12.000 (3.7 D)

Now that we can see pommels, we can’t really see all of p-bars hahaha.

8:48 am. Cyprus on floor, Germany on pommels, Greece on rings, Portugal on vault, Norway on p-bars, and Israel on high bar to start the next rotation!

8:44 am. Paco Fernandes Henriques FRA PH: Had a fall near the end of his routine. 9.700 (3.9 D)

Joona Reiman FIN FX: Front layout to double front, step forward OOB. I think a full-in after that. 12.950 (4.8 D)

Tommaso Brugnami ITA VT: Didn’t see what he did but it was gorgeous! Excellent landing too. 14.000 (4.8 D)

Alvaro Giraldez ESP HB: Straddle Tkachev, Tak, lots of L grip work, including an Endo, stalder, and he stuck the dismount! Great high bar rotation for Spain. 12.800 (3.9 D)

8:43 am. Daniel Carrion ESP HB: Kolman! Nice. Hop full. Clean and stuck full-twisting double layout. Very nice!

Live scores are down again. I’ll share what I can when I can.

8:41 am. Manoah Felicite FRA PH: Hit everything I saw but I jumped into it a second late.

Marcus Pietarinen FIN FX: Front double full, not bad. Hit everything else.

Riccardo Villa ITA VT: I think he had a kaz 1.5, looked like he lunged out of it.

8:40 am. Pablo Ruiz ESP HB: Caught a release early on, blind change to Endo half, stalder, double double layout with a hop forward.

Davide Oppizzio ITA VT: Looked like a kaz full? Step to the side.

8:39 am. Aaro Harju FIN FX: Clean double back to start. 1.5 after that with a lunge forward. Sat the front full. Hit the rest.

They just turned the camera so we can actually see pommels now! Hahahaha. Glad it took them a solid 5 hours to get there.

8:38 am. Second half of this rotation has Finland on floor, France on pommels, Czech Republic on rings, Italy on vault, and Spain on high bar.

8:34 am. Daniel Mousichidis GER FX: Nice piked double front to start. Randi with a hop back. 2.5 to fornt layout, his directional awareness was all over the place haha, but he pulled it out! Flairs. Hit the pass after, and then a stuck triple I think at the end. That was very nice.

Ron Snir ISR PB: Clean Tippelt and pirouette out of it. Looked like the rest was good, hit the dismount. 12.450 (4.1 D)

8:33 am. Kyriakos Markidis CYP HB: HUGE Kovacs, but caught it really close. Hands down on his dismount. 8.650 (4.0 D)

Sebastian Sponevik NOR VT: Went for a handspring double front for his second vault but came in too forward and had to punch roll out of it. 13.200 (5.2 D)

8:31 am. Neofytos Savva CYP HB: Had some messy legs on a number of elements. 10.150 (3.5 D)

Jakob Kvamsøe NOR VT: Straight up kaz. 13.150 (4.0 D)

Maxim Kovalenko GER FX: Stuck the double double! Front full to front double full with a hop forward. 2.5 to front layout, stuck on his toes. Really open double back, but ugh, puts his hands down. 12.350 (4.8 D)

Sebastian Sponevik NOR VT: Couldn’t see if he did a handspring front double full or a kaz 1.5, I hate being so far from vault! Either way he had an excellent landing and got a ton of air. 14.050 (5.2 D)

8:30 am. Dmytro Dotsenko ISR PB: Walks his hands out of a pirouette, next one was better. Overall some tight handstands. Looked like he dropped down on the dismount.

8:28 am. Jukka Nissinen GER FX: Double front with a step back. 1.5 to front layout with a small hop forward. Layout side pass. Double full to finish. 12.900 (4.3 D)

Petter Steinsvik Nilsen NOR VT: Looked like a kaz full, lands deep and he sits. 12.150 (4.8 D)

Dimitris Theodotou CYP HB: Pike vault over the bar. Endo was nice. Hit the dismount, I think a tucked full-in from what I could see. 10.850 (3.3 D)

8:27 am. Third rotation starts with Germany on floor, Greece on pommels, Portugal on rings, Norway on vault, Israel on p-bars, and Cyprus on high bar.

8:24 am. Marcus Pietarinen FIN HB: Yamawaki, inbar, stalder, blind change to front giant to Tak to Endo, UGH, goes for a triple back but lands it on his hands and knees. 11.500 (4.1 D)

8:23 am. Aaro Harju FIN HB: Yamawaki, straddle Tkachev, nice! Hit everything else including the dismount.

Daniel Carrion ESP PB: Had a nice pirouette early on, nice Bhavsar, up to pike hold, hit the rest! Great routine. 13.250 (4.5 D)

Manoah Felicite FRA FX: Piked double front, deep, put his hand down behind him. Front full to double front, hop to the side. Very clean double tuck. Layout side pass. Arabian double front with a step back to finish. Shame about the first pass! 11.900 (4.5 D)

8:22 am. Davide Oppizzio ITA SR: Had a really nice handstand position near the end that he held forever, second handstand was a bit shakier. I think a full-in dismount, stuck. 13.200 (4.1 D)

8:20 am. Anthony Mansard FRA FX: Hit the first two passes, then a 2.5 to front layout for the third from what I could see. Punch rudi was solid. Triple full to finish, small hop. Good! 13.400 (4.9 D)

Alvaro Giraldez ESP PB: Hit routine. 12.800 (3.9 D)

Riccardo Villa ITA SR: I saw none of this sadly! 13.100 (4.3 D)

8:19 am. Joona Reiman FIN HB: Big Yamawaki but it got away from him, kind of a hard fall. Does it again and catches, layout Tkachev is a little low, straddle Tkachev, double double layout dismount was deep with a lunge forward. 10.600 (3.9 D)

Pablo Ruiz ESP PB: Sadly sat the dismount. 11.800 (4.0 D)

8:18 am. Paco Fernandes Henriques FRA FX: Front layout to front double full, goes really far. Piked double front with a step forward. Arabian double front with a step. Layout side pass and a double full to finish. 13.150 (4.7 D)

Tommaso Brugnami ITA SR: Everything I saw looked hit! 12.700 (4.1 D)

8:17 am. France on floor, Czech Republic on pommels, Italy on rings, Spain on p-bars, and Finland on high bar in the second half!

8:14 am. Angelos Meliksetian GRE FX: Saw from the front layout to front double full, had a solid double back after, hop back. Layout side pass. Double full with a hop back.

Sebastian Sponevik NOR SR: Didn’t see this. 12.700 (4.2 D)

8:12 am. Maxim Kovalenko GER HB: Big Kovacs, layout Tkachev was a little piked, straddle Tkachev, stalder, hop full, and a double double dismount with a hop back. Got all of his front giant work done at the very beginning, it wasn’t a ton though. 12.150 (4.4 D)

Kyriakos Markidis CYP PB: Saw it from the Tippelt which was pretty muscled up. Hit the dismount.  12.150 (3.9 D)

8:11 am. Nikolaos Tsoulos GRE FX: 2.5 had a big step, and then he sat the double front. Layout full side pass. 10.900 (4.3 D)

Eliran Ioscovich ISR VT: I didn’t see his first vault but he got a 13.6. Second vault also looked clean with a solid landing. Second vault got a 13.200 (4.0 D)

8:10 am. Jukka Nissinen GER HB: One-amr front giant to Endo, nice! Clean Tkachev. German giants finished with a stalder, love that. Full-twisting double layout with a step back. 12.850 (4.3 D)

8:09 am. Dmytro Dotsenko ISR VT: Couldn’t see what it was, just a kaz maybe? Good landing.

8:08 am. Serafeim Eminidis GRE FX: Deep landing on his first pass, had a front front second pass that went well, layout side pass. Double full to finish. 11.400

Daniel Mousichidis GER HB: Everything at the beginning looked good, legs apart on his tak half, Tkachev, nice. Blind change to L grip, really clean tak, stalder, full-twisting double layout with a step back. 13.000 (4.4 D)

8:05 am. Moving to rotation two! The first half will have Greece on floor, Portugal on pommels, Norway on rings, Israel on vault, Cyprus on p-bars, and Germany on high bar.

8:04 am. Sorry, I had to pause for a second but am back. I missed a few things, including…

Manoah Felicite FRA HB: 12.300 (3.6 D)

Joona Reiman FIN PB: 13.100 (4.6 D)

Daniel Bago CZE FX: 13.300 (4.9 D)

8:00 am. Anthony Mansard FRA HB: Big layout Tkachev, straddle Tkachev also got really nice air, hop full, tak, stalder, double double layout with a hop to the side. Very strong work! 12.950

Daniel Carrion ESP VT: Kaz 1.5, couldn’t really see any details this far away but looked like a decent landing? Ooh, great score! 14.400 (5.2 D)

Marcus Pietarinen FIN PB: Hit routine! 13.000

Riccardo Villa ITA PH: Didn’t see it but looked good! 13.450 (4.9 D)

7:56 am. Daniel Kaplan CZE FX: High double back to start. Mostly basic tumbling but pretty clean throughout.

Paco Fernandes Henriques FRA HB: Nice Yamawaki, had a pirouette that finished kinda under the bar, then had a weird fall, looked like on a giant that just couldn’t get to handstand. Double double dismount twisted super fast, hop on the landing.

Aaro Harju FIN PB: Had a fall at one point. Otherwise nothing super rough.

7:54 am. Warmups for the second half, which will see Czech Republic on floor, Italy on pommels, Spain on vault, Finland on p-bars, and France on high bar.

7:53 am. Can’t see pommels but looks like Norway is not having a fun time, I saw one score around a 9 and another around a 10.

7:52 am. Maxim Kovalenko GER SR: Front pike, misses the handstand, has to pull up again, also a little messy on an element directly after. Press to handstand out of a pike hold started out a little weak but got better, arched a handstand after that, walked out of a pirouette, he’s struggling but doing a good job to not come off. Good landing on the piked double back dismount.

7:49 am. Angelo Meliksetian GRE HB: Kovacs, some leg form, but nice to see a big release, ooh, HUGE Tkachev! Big double layout dismount, step forward. Got all of the circle elements in there no problem.

Jukka Nissinen GER PB: I missed most of this, he had a lunge back on the dismount. 13.300

Hugo Viegas POR FX: I missed the first pass but he hit it, good double front, 2.5 with a lunge forward, nice rudi side pass, stuck the final pass as well. That was strong! 12.200 (4.3 D)

7:48 am. Dmytro Dotsenko ISR SR: Saltos to handstand were really nice, just a slight muscle up at the very end there, and stuck the full-in dismount!

7:47 am. Luis Lechaud POR FX: Didn’t type during any of his passes but a hit routine. 12.400 (4.1 D)

Daniel Mousichidis GER PB: Beginning went well, up to the Tippelt, smooth. Handstands near the end are super tight. Piked double back, ugh, stumbled it back and sat it.

Serafeim Eminidis GRE HB: Tried to catch this one but it went so fast and I missed it all.

7:44 am. Athletes are marching out for the start of subdivision two!

Portugal will start on floor, Norway on pommels, Israel on rings, Cyprus on vault, Germany on p-bars, and Greece on high bar.

6:15 am. The next subdivision starts at 1:45 pm in Slovakia, which is 7:45 am ET where I am, so I’ll see you back here in about 90 minutes!


1. Erik Baghdasaryan ARM 76.300
2. Volkan Hamarat TUR 74.850
3. Quentin Brandenburger LUX 74.550
4. Mert Efe Kilicer TUR 73.800
5. David Puicea ROU 73.700
6. Robert Gyulumyan ARM 73.400
7. Mark Nagy HUN 73.150
8. Norbert Marcu ROU 71.700


1. Turkey 153.000
2. Armenia 148.700
3. Romania 146.850
4. Luxembourg 145.850
5. Poland 143.300
6. Hungary 142.950
7. Lithuania 140.850
8. Iceland 135.550

6:02 am. Mark Nagy HUN FX: I keep missing everyone’s first pass! He hit it. Front layout to double front, a little forward but doesn’t move his feet. My stream went out for a second but I saw him land something else. 2.5 with a couple of big steps back to finish. 12.150

Erik Baghdasaryan with a 76.3 AA! Really solid work. I think that should lead from this session?

6:00 am. Benedek Ujvari HUN FX: I missed the first pass but he had a solid landing. Front layout to double front, ugh, sat it. Looked like he had it at first. Arabian double front, really deep and forward on the landing, stumbles it OOB. Layout side pass. Double full with a hop forward.

5:59 am. Erik Baghdasaryan ARM SR: Great handstand before his salto elements, which take him back to handstand, slight arch over. Swings a bit in the handstand near the end. Full-in with a tiny hop back. 13.000

5:58 am. Kornel Girus HUN FX: Didn’t type during any of his passes but they all looked hit to me. 11.500

Dachi Dolidze GEO HB: Tkachev, nice! Stalder, inbar, some front giant work, super high and clean double tuck! This was very nice. 11.850

Robert Gyulumyan ARM SR: Had strong saltos in this set, and a double front dismount. 12.650

5:57 am. Hungary on floor, Lithuania on pommels, Armenia on rings, and Georgia on high bar in this final half of the final rotation.

5:55 am. Volkan Hamarat TUR SR: Didn’t get to see this routine due to the stream but good score! 13.150

5:52 am. Ad drama again! We were doing so well.

5:49 am. David Puicea ROU VT: Oof, went for a kaz full I think and was a bit wild in the air, sat it. 12.450

Got a 12.750 for his second vault.

Mathis Kayser LUX HB: Clear hip to handstand, straddle Tkachev, a bit low but gets it! Glad he has a release. Blind change to front giants, hit the dismount! 11.200

Liu Carlo Mandela Tuakli TUR SR: Pike saltos to tucked saltos to pike hold, presses to handstand, very nice! He did pommels, by the way. Stuck the dismount, looks fine as he’s walking away, no massive limp or anything. Glad his injury only took him out of floor. 12.550

5:47 am. Ronan Foley LUX HB: No releases, most circle elements looked nice, small step on the dismount.

Norbert Marcu ROU VT: Think he did a handspring layout half? I literally have no idea if I imagined that or not.

Ari Kristinsson ISL FX: Front layout, a little iffy in the from. Back tuck for his second pass. Front layout at the end. 10.200

Mert Efe Kilicer TUR SR: Everything I saw looked pretty solid. Pike hold to handstand arched a little, and some other small things to clean up, muscled a handstand at the end. Stuck a full-in double tuck dismount.

5:45 am. Going into the final rotation! Iceland on floor, Poland on pommels, Turkey on rings, Romania on vault, Croatia on p-bars, and Luxembourg on high bar.

5:41 am. Kornel Girus HUN HB: Inbar! What a weird MAG skill. Blind change to Endo, back to regular for a stalder, his giants look a little wonky, double layout with a step back.

Daniil Korobkov LTU FX: Hit the first pass, then a big double front with a hop forward. Front double full to front pike. Nice! Double tuck down the side, bouncy on the landing. Hit the next pass, then a front layout with a hop. Solid set.

Can’t see pommels but Robert Gyulumyan of Armenia got an 11.250. They’ve basically stopped updating scores again but we’ll see if they add them during the break.

5:40 am. Mark Nagy HUN HB: Clear hip to handstand, blind change to front giant to blind full (pretty late), back to regular for a stalder (short), clean stuck double layout.

5:38 am. Benedek Ujvari HUN HB: Blind full, stalder, clean double layout dismount, lunge back. 10.650

Matas Imbrasas LTU FX: Hit all of the earliest passes, layout down the side was clean, hit the last pass, okay I missed almost all of those but he hit them. 11.450

Dachi Dolidze GEO PB: Had one part where he had to adjust a lot out of an arched handstand and he lunged on the dismount but a hit routine overall. 12.350

5:37 am. Second half of the rotation should have Lithuania on floor, Armenia on pommels, Georgia on p-bars, and Hungary on high bar.

5:36 am. SmartScoring is still working for me on the one laptop where I have it open but when I tried going to the live results link in a new tab on my other laptop, it redirected me to the homepage, hahaha…so I assume it’s not working for everyone and they’re like “what live scores, we’re not doing live scores!” but I know the truth.

5:32 am. Sigurdur Stefansson ISL HB: One-arm giant, blind change to front giants, Endo was nice, back to regular grip, giants to his full-twisting tuck over the bar, nice! 10.800

Norbert Marcu ROU SR: Good salto elements, arched over on a handstand near the end pretty significantly, double front dismount with a small hop. 12.150 (4.1 D)

Quentin Brandenburger LUX PB: He was all over the place with this set in the touch but pulled it out in the competition! Not the tidiest but I think he got everything. 12.000 (4.5 D)

5:30 am. Marko Kendel CRO VT: Think this was his second vault, just a handspring with no salto.

Lukas Ragnarsson ISL HB: Clear hip to handstand, mostly just circle elements but very clean, hit the dismount. 10.700 (2.2 D)

Borys Bracki POL FX: First pass landed pretty deep. So did the second. I didn’t see what either was. Third is a rudi. Front tuck full with a hop forward. Hit the last pass. 11.250 (4.1 D)

5:28 am. Christian Kuzdra POL FX: Double front, hop but not bad. Layout is clean for the second pass, and front layout for the third. Nice double full to finish. 12.100

Flavius Borca ROU SR: Just saw the dismount, had a little stumble.

Ari Kristinsson ISL HB: Legs apart on a blind change, but the rest wasn’t bad! Just a layout dismount but it’s clean and stuck. 10.250 (1.8 D)

5:27 am. Poland on floor, Turkey on pommels, Romania on rings, Croatia on vault, Luxembourg on p-bars, and Iceland on high bar this rotation.

Iceland had lots of simple but super clean p-bars sets last rotation. Hoping they do the same on high bar now that I can see them a bit better!

5:26 am. Moving on to the fifth rotation! I love that the second half of the fourth rotation was seven minutes long.

Live scores are still hit or miss. Sometimes they don’t include the D, sometimes they don’t update for certain events at all, but I’m adding whatever I see when I see it.

5:23 am. Mark Nagy HUN PB: Nice handstand at the start, holds it forever, Bhavsar, pike hold, presses to handstand, and a double tuck dismount with a hop forward. Very nice work there. 12.350

5:22 am. Robert Gyulumyan ARM FX: Hit the first pass well, clean double tuck for the second, rudi for the third. Clean layout after that, and he stuck both a layout full and double full at the end. His foundational skills are everything.

Kornel Girus HUN PB: Had a few iffy handstand moments and a wild lunge on his dismount. 12.050

5:20 am. Erik Baghdasaryan ARM FX: Unfortunately missed this due to the stream! 12.700

5:18 am. Ad attack and it’s frozen this time. 😦

5:17 am. Second half of this rotation will have Georgia on vault, Hungary on p-bars, Lithuania on high bar, and Armenia on floor.

5:14 am. Okay, doesn’t look like they’re having Tuakli go up on floor since the first two hit. Phew.

5:11 am. Mert Efe Kilicer TUR FX: Front full to double front, a little deep but no massive problems. Front layout to front double full with a low step forward. I think arabian double front half for the next one? Came up a little short. Clean stuck double full to finish. 12.650 (4.6 D)

Didn’t see details on Quentin Brandenburger’s vault but looked solid enough! Also didn’t see what Mathis Keyser did but he sat it…oh, that was his second vault though, so no big deal for the team purposes. First vault went 13.8 (4.8 D)!

5:10 am. Ari Kristinsson ISL PB: A few tiny handstand adjustments before the dismount, which had a hop to the side, but the rest looked fine! 11.700 (3.0 D)

Christian Kuzdra POL HB: Tkachev, bent his legs coming out of a pirouette it looked like, double layout was a little whippy, small step forward.

5:07 am. Volkan Hamarat TUR FX: They had all three guys warming up, with Tuakli’s foot heavily wrapped and he didn’t do much. I’m just a little scared! Hamarat starts with a high stuck double tuck, clean barani, layout side pass, good double full to finish. 12.750 (3.7 D)

Borys Bracki POL HB: Clean and hit routine, nice double layout dismount.

5:04 am. Moving on to the second half of the subdivision! Rotation four already, and we’re only an hour in, seems impossible.

5:03 am. Kristijonas Padegimas LTU PB: I didn’t see it but he had a 9.250 E! Easy routine (3.4 D) but love to see it. 12.650

4:59 am. Benedek Ujvari HUN VT: Kaz…full maybe? Stumbled back out of it.

Live scores are being weird. They have Croatia as DNS on every event lol. SMART scoring!

Erik Baghdasaryan ARM HB: Caught a couple of Tkachevs early on, muscled through a stalder before his front giant work, tak was nice to handstand, double double layout almost stuck! What a fabulous little Armenian team this is. 12.650 (4.2 D)

4:56 am. Robert Gyulumyan ARM HB: Way over on his Kovacs, fall. Loved how aggressively he went for it though! Back on for a piked Tkachev, straddle Tkachev to Gienger! (loved that), and stuck full-twisting double layout. 10.550 (3.8)

Kornel Girus HUN VT: Didn’t see what he did, took a couple of steps back on the landing.

Dachi Dolidze GEO SR: Straddle hold, slow to press to handstand, that’s all I saw.

4:52 am. Looks like a 12.4 from Quentin Brandenburger on rings is the highest score from a routine I didn’t see.

4:51 am. Flavius Borca ROU FX: Hit his first pass and then a double front, 1.5 to front layout with a hop froward, little bounce on the double full down the side. Front full and rudi at the end I think. 12.750

4:49 am. Mert Efe Kilicer TUR HB: Layout Tkachev, straddle Tkachev to piked Tkachev, nice!! Tak didn’t make it to handstand, he swings around again but his arms bend and he can’t rotate back over, has to hop off. Sadness. Gets the Tak the second time, then an Endo full (a little late), dismounts with a full-twisting double layout to his knees. Kill me! 9.050

4:48 am. David Puicea ROU FX: Double front and 2.5 at the start, not bad. Front full to barani, clean. Hit the last pass. 12.900

4:47 am. Volkan Hamarat TUR HB: Tkachev, front giants including a tak (a little late) and Endo, full-twisting double layout with a hop. 12.450

OH NO THE AD IS BACK. Phew, they turned it off this time. I don’t need to complain for an hour.

4:45 am. Liu Carlo Mandela Tuakli TUR HB: Tkachev, stalder, Endo half, step back on the dismount, looked like a double double (tucked) but he kinda tweaks his ankle and limps off the mat, oh no.

Norbert Marcu ROU FX: Randi with a lunge back. Had a couple of twisting passes after that.

4:42 am. First half of this rotation will have Romania on floor, Croatia on pommels, Luxembourg on rings, Iceland on vault, Poland on p-bars, and Turkey on high bar.

Gonna focus on Turkey I think, but was able to pretty easily catch almost everyone last rotation so I’m sure I’ll get a good mix.

4:41 am. Moving to the third rotation! Thankfully the nonsense with the ad seems to have stopped. Knock wood.

4:40 am. Dachi Dolidze GEO PH: Didn’t see this but not a bad score for this level… 12.750 (5.2), that would’ve won gold at junior Pan Ams!

4:39 am. Erik Baghdasaryan ARM PB: Tippelt maybe a little slow going to handstand but he gets there in the end, nice handstand out of a half pirouette, clean double back, almost stuck. Another great set for Armenia! 13.250 (4.4 D)

4:38 am. Benedek Ujvari HUN SR: Was a little shaky on some of his handstands, a little tentative in the double tuck to pike hold, presses to a slightly shaky handstand, and just a step back on the double double dismount.

4:35 am. Robert Gyulumyan ARM PB: Saw some nice work from him here, good landing on the double back dismount. 12.500 (3.9 D)

Mark Nagy HUN SR: Hit routine, again not a ton of difficulty. 12.100 (3.9 D)

4:34 am. Kornel Girus HUN SR: Simple routine, couldn’t see if he fell at the end or just had a really low landing. Rings is on the exact opposite side of the arena from where the camera is. And I just realized we don’t have a view of pommels AT ALL. Oh, yeah, the dismount was a fall based on the score. 9.850 (3.8 D)

Daniil Korobkov LTU VT: Went for a handspring double front but sat it. 12.900 (5.2 D)

4:32 am. Little Turkey update…Mert Efe Kilicer 13.4, Volkan Arda Hamarat 12.7, and Liu Carlo Mandela Tuakli 11.55 on rings.

Gonna try to focus on Hungary’s rings this rotation.

4:31 am. Okay, NOW it’s warmups for the second half of the rotation. We should have Georgia on pommels, Hungary on rings, Lithuania on vault, and Armenia on p-bars in this half, and no one on high bar or floor.

4:30 am. Teo Bartolec CRO FX: Arabian double front half-out, front layout to double front with a lunge OOB, nice front double full with a hop. Hit the rest of the routine as well. Very nice. 12.550 (4.5 D)

4:28 am. The stream is back! Let’s see what I can spot. Whenever they put the stream back on there are zero routines happening. It almost feels on purpose.

Okay, I think it’s warmups for the second half of this rotation now…

4:27 am. Looks like nice work from Poland on pommels this rotation – 13.25 for Jakub Kurowski and 12.95 from Borys Bracki!

4:24 am. We’re in the second rotation now and I’ve seen exactly one routine because of this ad situation…about to just let my head explode and call it a day.

4:20 pm. Stuck on the ad for a full three minutes already, but here are some scores…

Oh, Turkey started on floor earlier, we’ve missed SO much. I feel like this stream is going to be very problematic and it will be pointless to live blog.

Anyway, Mert Efe Kilicer with a 13.7, Liu Carlo Mandela Tuakli with a 12.8, and Volkan Arda Hamarat with a 12.3 on floor, not a bad start!

4:17 am. Okay, I think we have Romania on p-bars, Hungary on pommels, and then a random assortment of gymnasts elsewhere…Armenia on vault, Lithuania on rings, Georgia on floor? Sounds about right.

Whenever there’s a slight lull in the action they give us a Slovakia Travel commercial and this makes the stream stop entirely, like it freezes on the last frame of the ad for a VERY long time? I give it 25 minutes before I start having a full-blown fit about this.

4:14 am. The competition is streaming live here, but it’s VERY basic, just an overview shot of the hall. The stream was down for the past 10 minutes so I’m still trying to figure out who’s where and what’s going on in general, but eventually I’ll get my life together and will have some updates. 🙂