Two gold medals for Team SA on first day of African Championships

Ischke Senekal (Supplied)

It was an explosive start to the African Championship in Mauritius for Team SA on Wednesday as they managed four medals, two of them gold.

Those gold medals went to Allan Cumming in the men’s hammer throw, and Ischke Senekal in the women’s shot put. 

Cumming’s winning effort was 69.13 metres, with compatriot Tshepang Makhethe bagging the silver medal in a one-two finish for the SA. Egyptian Mostafa Elgamal took bronze (67.80m).

Senekal continued her dominance in Africa as she retained her title with a heave of 16.40m.

Carine Bacchetta-Mekam of Gabon grabbed the silver medal, with Senekal’s teammate Zonica Lindeque grabbing bronze and South Africa’s fourth medal of the day.  

In the only final on the track on the opening day of the competition, SA national champion Mbuleli Mathanga finished seventh in the men’s 10 000m final in 29:40.86, crossing the line just ahead of countryman Elroy Gelant, who was eighth in 29:41.40.

“It’s still the first day, but it’s definitely the way to start any competition,” said James Maloi, president of Athletics South Africa.

“This will inspire the rest of the team still going into the contest. Congratulations to all our medallists for their achievements today. We congratulate the coaches and all support staff for the success of the Athletics,”  he added. 

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